Wednesday August 24, 2011
West Yorkshire
THANK YOU GILLETTE.....For your GREED..In the cost of disposable cartridges.....for without you, I would never in all probability have RE-DISCOVERED the joys of double edged razors.....

This morning just for a bit of "Nostalgia!!!" I tried a shave with my good old Sensor XL.....with a new cartridge.... Gillette Sensitive canned gloop liberally applied with the finger tips and away we went....shaving against the grain all the way...which was the preferred method I used for years with this combination...and it always delivered a superb shave..............OR SO I THOUGHT

Contrast with my new found DE Hobby.....
This morning with the Sensor XL, I was having to make, maybe 12 short quick passes to get anywhere approaching a smooth finish.....the overall shave was OK...but thats all..... Odd patches of stubborn stubble persisted around the mouth area, that no amount of passes would reduce to nothing....
A smooth shave... Yes...considering the number of passes..................Close-ish shave....sort of...........but I can still feel stubble in places if i'm picky....and I am.

Contrast with Double Edged Razor and Blade......Which always returns a true BBS shave....In two leisurely with and one against the grain plus the odd touch up in the difficult jaw and mouth area....And it is a far more relaxing and enjoyable experience to boot....NEVER any stray rough bits.......And a very nice morning ritual...With the luxury and selection of good quality soap ..Choice of blades and a fine Badger brush.......No Contest........

Again .....I THANK YOU GILLETTE.... for your Avarice.
I had to use my old sensor whilst on holiday, it was awful, rough and lots of tugging. I use to think this was the best shave in the past even using just soap.

Now I've seen the light, I could never be without my feather as d1. Super smooth with two passes, wtg and xtg do it for me.

Still not got a definitive answer as to whether you can take de razor and blades in hand luggage.
Garbe said:
Still not got a definitive answer as to whether you can take de razor and blades in hand luggage.

Razor is fine there is not a chance in hell you will be able to take blades in hand luggage they will look at you like you are trying to bring a Bowie knife on board
I actually quite like the sensor, its the lesser of evils sometimes. If I'm up at silly oclock, or if I can't use a de, its not that bad a replacement.

And I do have to praise Gillette for their double edge blades, they're the best out there. So three cheers for Gillette, and I don't even have my tongue in my cheek!
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