Taylor of Bond street

My pot of Taylor's sandlewood has arrived. Up to now I have been using palmolive stick, cutting a lump and pressing into a bowl. Works well. What is the best way with a cream, swirl with the brush then lather up in the bowl? All suggestions welcome
Stan said:
My pot of Taylor's sandlewood has arrived. Up to now I have been using palmolive stick, cutting a lump and pressing into a bowl. Works well. What is the best way with a cream, swirl with the brush then lather up in the bowl? All suggestions welcome

That will work, however I prefer face lathering. Either swirl the brush the tub or place a bit of cream in the brush with your finger and then work it into the beard creating the lather as you go. I find it much easier this way and seems to prepare my beard better, personal preference of course.
For me the Taylor creams are the best value/performance sweet spot. I find their soaps quite acidic, but the creams are lovely. Avocado... Mmmmmm
i really like the jermyn street cream i'm working my way through at the moment, i ended up getting the aftershave cream and cologne as well :)

i've got a sample of eton college cream to try, i think that smells nice as well.
I have found them a little dry for my skin, I need to add more water to get the slick feeling on my skin, whilst they lather beautifully my skin always feels a bit dry afterwards. But I am a sucker for Jermyn Street and Eton College, I'm sure when they run out I'll get some more....
Alot of love here for the traditional scents. For some reason I prefer cleaner scented items as the scents get too much. Avocado is my ultimate
Great creams. I use Jermyn Street and Sandalwood. Great instant lather and plenty of it. Both smell great without being too much in your face (no pun intended). I have a tough old beard and rather dryish skin, but the TOBS creams work a treat. Highly recommend them.
I still give my triple milled soaps the edge, but TOBS is oh so easy to lather and requires a lot less time to load.

The Avocado is a fresh scent. Don't think I like the sandalwood scent too much. I'm certainly not going to reorder it.
My pot of TOBS sandalwood cream soon hardened to the consistency of a soft soap. Has anyone else had that? I like it, but I'm not sure it agrees with my skin. It's quite a strong scent/
Hogwash said:
My pot of TOBS sandalwood cream soon hardened to the consistency of a soft soap. Has anyone else had that? I like it, but I'm not sure it agrees with my skin. It's quite a strong scent/

I noticed my TOBS Sandalwood was also rather firm. I thought at first that it may have dried out, but it lathers perfectly well, so maybe that's how it's supposed to be.:icon_razz:
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