Taylor of Bond street

I like em - find you have to use a good splodge though to get a real good lather. No problem with the Slickness, I have sandalwood and eton college, love the eton college smell.
As to the question of what they're like compared to soaps it's difficult to answer, it's possibly too generalised a question. Like asking how a BMW motorbike compares to cars, they're just 2 different things. Creams are basically softer, much more hydrated versions of soaps. Soaps are hard and last much longer, and can be a little bit trickier to use until you "get" the technique. Some people just prefer the speed of creams.
Most of us like both on different days, there is something nice about the ultra old-schoolness of a hard soap.

TOBS cream is excellent by the way. I don't have any just now but I've had 2 types and I'd buy them again, once my three tubs of T+H run out in 2014. TOBS hard soaps are equally well regarded, they're just very different to use.
I have tried TOBS Almond, Shaving Shop, Sandalwood, Rose (sample), Lavender (sample) and the Jermyn Street sensitive. Although the consistency in the Rose seemed a little dry and clumpy to me, all the others are excellent performers and this is my everyday go to cream. I have had some success with my new silvertip badger brush (going from cheapo boar) with my little experience of soaps, and when I get the soap lathered up just right it is very satisfying, but I am still very hit and miss with lather consistency and longevity despite following all the tips on here and watching vids etc. I think basically I'm just a bit cack-handed for me, so creams win for convenience and performance and ease.
Plus as said above, creams do run out quicker, which means I get to buy more more regularly

Oh, and the smells were great (more subjective). I wasn't surreptitiously leaving out my comment about the scents - they are very nice.
Thanks for the replys...I also use a tabac original hard soap but I find it drys my face after the shave but the old skool smell just keeps drawing me back
i love the TOBS creams..

i use Avocado, Lavender, St James and Jermyn Street Sensitive.

The latter is my favourite. It seems to perform a little better, has a gorgeous smell and a classy looking tub. Its a winner for me and the only one of the bunch i'll choose to replace as soon as its done. All perform superbly however, and I would recommend any.

That said, i'm a sucker for the T&H sandalwood cream.
TOBS Mr.Taylor is my favorite cream.

Proraso White is my favorite soap. Although it's more like a very firm cream.

I've not tried any of the triple milled soaps as of yet.

I must say 90% of my daily shaves are either Mr. Taylor or Proraso White. It would be difficult to pick a favorite between the two.
I really love TOBS creams . Nice scents, great performance and fantastic price.

TOBS hard soaps are nice coconut enriched palm soaps. They work well. I personally prefer Tabac and DR Harris hard soaps

Creams vs soaps is a non issue for me. I use both and get great performance out of both. The difference I notice is soaps last longer, but creams usually carry complex scents better.