Taxidermist Suggestions Please

Deer are a key part of a healthy ecosystem, be it within large commercial forest blocks, parkland, rural agricultural or urban areas. Healthy ecosystems bring multiple benefits to land, people, nature and to the deer themselves. A balanced and healthy ecosystems provide a wide and diverse services including wild food, also flood protection, clean water and valued landscapes.
But deer have no natural predators and their numbers have to maintained at a sustainable and manageable number, to prevent massive crop damage, road traffic accidents/injury
It would seem as though some posters who have responded to my post have clearly missed the point of my post, or misunderstood it completely. At no point in my post did I say that I am against the culling of animals such as deer. I am actually in favour of this, as long as it is always justifiable or necessary in certain circumstances. What I AM against is the stuffing and displaying of dead animals, to be admired as though they are some kind of trophy or something to be proud of. That is NEVER necessary or justified. I an an animal lover, and I will always disapprove of such behaviour. I am also NOT a vegan and never have been, despite the assumptions of certain posters.

I hope this clears up any confusion. I apologise for any offence that I may have unintentionally caused.
Interesting view, thanks for clarifying, however a quick thought for you , would it not be better to make use of as much as the culled and harvested animal as possible rather than discarding some of it as waste?
And yet, without those taxidermy skills, some now extinct species would never have been preserved for later generations to view, and possibly, in the fullness of time, resurrect though the magic of science.

Two sides to every coin.