Tapatalk issues

OK - for anyone reading this now - here's the path to try:
  1. Upgrade your Tapatalk app. (The Plugin the forum is using has a minimum application version requirement). If that doesn't work move on to step 2.
  2. If you still have issues - on Android you can clear the application cache (long press app in app drawer, app info - delete cache - don't delete data or you'll have to put all your login info in again). If that doesn't work move on to step 3.
  3. Forget/remove TSR from your Tapatalk and re-add it. If that doesn't work move on to step 4.
  4. Uninstall and reinstall Tapatalk using the link appropriate in post #12 in this thread.
For anyone with web-browser access issues - try clearing your browser cache.
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