Tapatalk for Windows Phone (7.x & 8.x)

For both of our users of WindowsPhones, Tapatalk has just been released for your phone platform... No idea what they're charging for it - and it is only first release so expect plenty of things not to work perfectly. No warranties given by me on how it performs :)

Tapatalk developer said:
Hi all!!!

Glad to announce that finally the long awaited Tapatalk for Windows Phone is available in Microsoft Windows Phone Store.
You can get it at http://www.windowsphone.com/s?appid=913ffd61-3ba0-435c-a894-9d3ec7e78d6e

Please give feedback, bugs and request in this forum. We will try to resolve all the issues ASAP.

For better bug handling, please indicate forum url, post url or whatever info that can help us to solve the issue.

If you have any feedback - please sign yourself up to the Tapatalk support forum - http://support.tapatalk.com/forums/tapatalk-for-windows-phone.84/ - and give it there.
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