Taking a break

Paul L

Chief GOW
I've decided to remove myself from shaving forum activity for a while.
I know I'm not among the most active forum members, but I like to think I've done my best to pass on a pearl or two of wisdom over the last few years.
I feel this game has got a bit out of hand - buying, selling and lusting after the next best razor/soap/brush etc. (Despite having enough shaving gear for every man in my street). This is a far cry from where I began, with one razor, one blade of choice and one tub of Trumpers at a time for over seven years.
I thought I had it licked, and that I was content with my lot - but it's still there. . .
I liken it to being a kid in a sweet shop and wanting every piece of confectionary on the shelf.
This is not a healthy way for a 50 year old man to carry on, so leaving the forums will hopefully remove some of the temptation.
I am leaving with only gratitude and respect for all of you guys - (there are a few among you who have deliberately gone out of your way to do me a good turn (you know who you are, and I am sincerely very grateful to you).
I may be back sometime, but until then please all be safe and happy.
Hello Paul

As a compromise, why not just use the non shave forums, where your advice has also been very much appreciated?
I am not a hobby shaver, I see it very much as an ablution process that needs to be carried out as quickly as possible. I merely want a good shave carried out as quickly as possible without all the fuss and paraphernalia that generally goes hand in hand with DE shaving. I initially joined the Forum to try to learn the ins and outs of DE shaving, but after purchasing all of the kit and cutting my face to shreds went back to cartridge shaving, which as an everyday shaver, suits me much better.

However, it always ceases to amaze me of the considerable amount of knowledge of posters on the non shave sites: ie the Dressing Room; the Lounge etc, which cover a variety of subjects other than traditional shaving. I hope you consider some of these options.
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I dont blame you...for years I had two razors, one brush and around 10 soaps and creams. Since discovering forums and other shaving shops (and Aliexpress), I have bought 10+ razors, 10+ synthetic brushes and god knows how many more soaps, aftershaves and balms. And yet I keep buying stuff and have very little self control (Im kinda convinced I am developing hoarding behaviours now as can be seen with other stuff too)
I don't get it (obviously because of my comments above), but why would anyone want more than one razor, once you have found the one for you? I suppose it is like chasing the holy grail of the perfect shave, which possibly doesn't exist. But I suppose that this is generally what this Forum is all about and a very good Forum it is as well. My observations with DE shaving that there is quite a lot of cleaning the equipment after use etc, which I wasn't that fond of doing, but I liked the DE to look pristine and shiny, which does require a little bit of attention following each use.
Perhaps the same could be said of a shoe collection; but shoes are worn for different circumstances. I can't see DE razors being used for different circumstances; but I may well be wrong. Does one use a different DE razor depending on how one is feeling that day; please enlighten me. Or, I think it just may be due to the perceived pleasure of merely collecting things, which I personally have never had the bug for? Although I once did collect art work until I ran out of wall space and now they are all stored under the stairs, following a full refurbishment of my dwelling some years ago!
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Good luck Paul, it's a wise decision, I stayed away for 18+ months and I never felt the desire to buy a single soap, blade, brush or razor.... came back and I'm richer by 6 soaps, 100s of blades, 2 brushes and 3 razors :oops:

Best wishes
I completely understand Paul. Did the same and recently came back and in 1 month I've bought a fatboy a boxed slim and more artisan soaps and splashes than I can use in 3 years of daily shaving. I'm resisting the urge daily to buy more. Managed to thin out some of my unused razors however. Good luck to you sir. (y)
I've decided to remove myself from shaving forum activity for a while.
I know I'm not among the most active forum members, but I like to think I've done my best to pass on a pearl or two of wisdom over the last few years.
I feel this game has got a bit out of hand - buying, selling and lusting after the next best razor/soap/brush etc. (Despite having enough shaving gear for every man in my street). This is a far cry from where I began, with one razor, one blade of choice and one tub of Trumpers at a time for over seven years.
I thought I had it licked, and that I was content with my lot - but it's still there. . .
I liken it to being a kid in a sweet shop and wanting every piece of confectionary on the shelf.
This is not a healthy way for a 50 year old man to carry on, so leaving the forums will hopefully remove some of the temptation.
I am leaving with only gratitude and respect for all of you guys - (there are a few among you who have deliberately gone out of your way to do me a good turn (you know who you are, and I am sincerely very grateful to you).
I may be back sometime, but until then please all be safe and happy.
When you've got to go you've got to go but know that you will be missed and we will welcome you back with open arm's when you are ready to come back to the brotherhood.
Take care, my friend,

When you've got to go you've got to go but know that you will be missed and we will welcome you back with open arm's when you are ready to come back to the brotherhood.
Take care, my friend,


I couldn't articulate any better than Blademonkey Paul's words, so @Paul L if you do find your way back the welcome will always be there to the TSR brotherhood.
I feel this game has got a bit out of hand - buying, selling and lusting after the next best razor/soap/brush etc. (Despite having enough shaving gear for every man in my street). This is a far cry from where I began, with one razor, one blade of choice and one tub of Trumpers at a time for over seven years.
I thought I had it licked, and that I was content with my lot - but it's still there. . .
I feel the same way mate - I have all the kit I need - fair enough - but you have to draw a line somewhere - I'm mostly put off by - applicants - that enter for PIF's - who emerge out of the gloom - and then descend back into it. Not a word heard there after. I'll probably - still - post some pics or sotd of the day - occasionally - the forum has changed. I.
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