Tabula Rasa

Randomangle said:
I can't believe it! I started the thread and I've completely missed the opportunity to try a couple more scents. Bummer. :icon_sad:

Hi Chris, all the samples are gone for now, but I will post again in this thread when we receive more and PM you to give you the heads up.
Kindest regards,

That is very good of you Ian. Of what I have tried so far I like the Steampunk. Does the EDT last a good while? The soap fragrance does linger quite a bit longer than any others I have tried so far.

TonyC said:
Thanks Ian

My wife's just returned home with Steam Punk , smells very nice.
Hi Tony ....Enjoy :icon_razz: look forward to seeing you next Sunday at the meet.

Hi Chris,
With the Steampunk EDT being a relatively new line to the store I have personally only worn it once. I found it to be a well put together EDT a light, fresh and clean scent with reasonably good longevity, probably lasted around 7-8 hours on me.
Kindest regards,

Thanks Ian, I'm going through another fragrance acquiring time so I'll keep it in mind.

Thanks for the samples Ian, gave the Herbs a run out today - very nice! Do find it harder to get a lather from it when loading a lump on to the brush than when loading from the tub but once it got going it was grand Looking forwards to trying the tangerine and vetiver
Yesterday I tried my sample of Herbs TR. The scent from the cream was very strong, pungent even of Lemon Balm but on lathering the scent was much more subtle and quiet.

Having used TR the day before and used too much water, this time I used my L'Occitane synthetic wetted but shaken a few times and lathered up the soap in a bowl only adding a few drops of water. This time I generated a rich, thick lather of excellent quality. The lather did not dissipate at all throughout my three passes and gave an great protective shave.

I sensed a few other aromas from this soap, as Ian said, I can smell lemongrass and a few other citrusy flavours (I'm not very good at describing scents). All in all a great refreshing lather.

I liked this scent straight off the bat as opposed to Steampunk which I'm not sure about. I'll have to have a few more shaves to determine which I like the better.
Tried steampunk with a boar and mininal water today produced a lot more lather but not lather I was impressed with, will try dark lavender in the week.
p.b said:
I found I needed 3 or 4 tries to get the right soap / water balance with Tabula Rasa but well worth the effort. I loved the scent too, but again it took a few uses to become addicted to it!
+1 when bowl lathering and to a degree when palm lathering, found it easy to work with face lathering, loading straight from container, but can see why face lathering from sample pots with a bit of product on top of brush would bring soap/water balance back into play.
What do you guys think of the slickness it provides? Obviously the water sweet spot is narrow so hard to gauge but I probably used the same amount of water as with other creams. I use a straight and found the lather to lack slickness and some cushion am I doing something wrong when lathering. I bowl lathered and got lots of lather.

This morning I bowl-lathered Steampunk for the second time (still can't decide whether I like the scent). Although the lather was successful, thick and creamy with no dissipation, I reckon then slickness and cushion was just average. I'm not a very good judge of lathers but I remember other soaps such as Tabac performing better in that respect.
Thanks that's what I thought too.
I gave the Vetiver and Tangerine a whirl today... This time I loaded the brush by holding it upside down and rubbing the sample pot over the tips, seemed to work better than loading a lump. Face lathered a treat enough nice later for three passes.

Really like the scent, shite at describing then but kind of woody and a light tangerine note.

Had one of the best shaves I've had in ages!

Now if only I could find that gift voucher for The Gentleman's Groom Room at I got for Christmas...
Hoodiniy's own soap, that's what came to my mind when trying the s.punk for the first time this morning.

You need a lot of cream but i mean a lot.
Started with pea size on a wet Semogue 1800, and nothing. By this stage Ingram goes bonkers and Tobs creams goes nuts.

But not too worry, another pea size added, foamy stuff started to form but no lather.
Scooped half the cream from the sample, now we have it and it's lathering properly.

A bit of menthol there? Funny thing is after the first pass the lather left in the brush has left the room, wher has it gone?

Scooping loads more ensured I had lather for the second pass.
Was a nice DFS with Lab blue (9) on a 43c but I think the chaps in Ingram and Palmolive can sleep tight at night.