T&H Soap

I'm going through my soap rotation with my Vulfix boar and really enjoying the lather I'm getting with it compared to my badger. Yesterday was Trumpers Rose which was great but today was a bit pf a disappointment, T&H just was a non starter. I usually make three passes and I had to add water and relather for each. The lather for the first pass was ok, but things really fizzled out on the second and third.

Hows everyone else rank this soap?

Tomorrow I'm going to give myself a bit of an experiment as I picked up a cake of Williams on the way home and see if the lowly Williams can outproduce T&H. :D
I think Trumpers and T&H are fairly equal in terms of the lather they produce.
There are better soaps out there but both are very good.

Try some hot water on top of the cake for a few minutes before lathering, it's a hard soap and might need a bit of softening up.

Yea, did the ole warm water on top routine, made sure it was fully covered in water. I'm just really puzzled with it as its always seemed to give me fits.
T&H is very high quality IMO, up there with Trumpers and others. My guess is you have to get a little more product on your brush before lathering up for the first time.
This past week I've switched from my Rooney 3/1 super to my Vulfix 2234 Boar. I must say its made all the difference in the world. I prefer a thick wet lather and find that my rooney, with soaps, makes a light, airy lather in comparison. Funny how you have to play around with things a bit to get things to your liking.
I have to say that I find T&H and TOBS soaps not as good as the Trumpers ones,and not even close to D.R Harris or sticks like Palmolive.Ill rather get Cyril R Salter soap which smells almost identically that the T&H but performs so much better.
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