Surviving Feathers?

So I stuck with the Feathers for several blades now. I must say if you can get past a first shave, the blade seems to bed in for another few shaves. I've been in a habit of dumping a blade after 3 days, but the Feathers seem to still be sharp, and 4 days is fine.

The key for me is. Hot and soft face, and on the first pass take extra care in the razor angle. I find if I can get past the first shave, the blades are the best I've used to date?

And that's all for the heads up on cheap after-shaves I now have four I really like.

Dicky said:
So I stuck with the Feathers for several blades now. I must say if you can get past a first shave, the blade seems to bed in for another few shaves. I've been in a habit of dumping a blade after 3 days, but the Feathers seem to still be sharp, and 4 days is fine.

The key for me is. Hot and soft face, and on the first pass take extra care in the razor angle. I find if I can get past the first shave, the blades are the best I've used to date?

And that's all for the heads up on cheap after-shaves I now have four I really like.


I'm a feather fan, sharp little buggers but smooth :icon_razz:
Cyclical for me. Loved them for a while but had to go slow to avoid nicks, then found them a bit too harsh compared to others, then got used to that but still had the nicks, then loved them for slicing through a few day's growth as if it was tissue paper, then decided I would prefer something cheaper that lasted for two full shaves.
I think if I shaved less frequently than seven times a week I would use them more. As it is I traded the few I have left.
I imagine in six months' time I will buy them and use nothing else for two weeks, then sell them again! There's probably a name for people like me. And it's probably four letters long...
Treb said:
Just buy them in bulk. I bought 30 Feathers off of eBay. Liked them so much I bought 100 soon after. Buy 100 Feathers @ connaughtshaving and the price per pack drops like pair of lousy knickers.

picked up 100 for around £24 last year

anoying really as i also like astra greens and there half the price
I normally use Astra SP or 7 0' clock yellows as an everyday blade but rotate them now and again with a feather,I used one for the first time in my 39c slant this week, the first two shaves left my face a bit raw and a few weeps on my neck, maybe it was a bit of irritation I had from using an old style OC razor the previous shave, the third and 'yes' a fourth shave after the blade had bedded in wasn't bad at all, I only normally get 2-3 shaves with a feather in my other razors, I haven't paid for a pack of feathers yet as when I order from the Shaving Shack I normally get them as a free gift
Feathers work great in an adjustable such as a slim. I leave mine on '4' now and use feathers all the time, so far I have been using them for almost 2 months and have yet to nick myself with em.
First feather shave for me this morning and mighty impressed... definitely will be a regular blade. Smooth, sharp and I felt very smooth afterwards. Just dropped an order for 100... to add to me blade rotation.
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