Supply provision revised SE razor

I used Chinese Schicks rather than the supplied Personnas and the load is nowhere near as easy as vintage injectors with which I have lots of experience. Although I ascribed the load issue to the presence of machine oil, I was not able to see clearly why the second blade tended to overlap the first. Time will tell.
So you are aware, this was an issue with the V1 razors and I'm not sure whether V2 has addressed it or not... I haven't got a V2 and haven't seen any comms to say if it has or hasn't. Supply Edge advised in their videos for the V1 to load the blade by first ejecting the blade already in the razor (using the unintentional quick release button) and then loading a new blade... if not the second blade generally always overlapped the first blade... This issue may not have been resolved and therefore you need to take the razor apart to remove the first blade and then load up the second in whichever method you prefer.

Maybe a definitive answer can be sought from @getsupply and hopefully I've explained things correctly.

No, I had forgotten, if I ever knew, that the procedure was different from a vintage injector.

I wonder if, the 'quick release mechanism' having been repaired, I now need to remove the plate to remove a blade.
See post 24, Patrick said the mechanism had been cleaned up on the v2 so there should be no problem in using as a injector razor, if it is still not working something is clearly wrong.
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So you are aware, this was an issue with the V1 razors and I'm not sure whether V2 has addressed it or not... I haven't got a V2 and haven't seen any comms to say if it has or hasn't. Supply Edge advised in their videos for the V1 to load the blade by first ejecting the blade already in the razor (using the unintentional quick release button) and then loading a new blade... if not the second blade generally always overlapped the first blade... This issue may not have been resolved and therefore you need to take the razor apart to remove the first blade and then load up the second in whichever method you prefer.

Maybe a definitive answer can be sought from @getsupply and hopefully I've explained things correctly.

I was really hoping it was from the crappy Personna injector cases. I have heard a guy, if I understood correctly, simply loosens the plate a touch, injects the blade, and snugs up.

I guess I don't really care too much about loading it like an AC style if it comes to that. I play with razors for a hobby, what's 30 seconds every once in a while? All I cares is that it shaves. Well.
I was really hoping it was from the crappy Personna injector cases. I have heard a guy, if I understood correctly, simply loosens the plate a touch, injects the blade, and snugs up.

I guess I don't really care too much about loading it like an AC style if it comes to that. I play with razors for a hobby, what's 30 seconds every once in a while? All I cares is that it shaves. Well.
True, it matters not to me as I like to dismantle the razor after every shave to clean and dry anyway so putting the blade in by hand is no problem but still....this should have been fixed all the same!
Right. At great risk to my blade stock I have carried out a few experiments. With all the blades I have now tried - NOS Schick, Chinese, Personna - I need to apply very slight torque by using a little anticlockwise pressure on the blade magazine while loading. If I don't do that, the blade either stick or enters at a slight angle, encouraging it to ride over the existing blade. The original sticking half-way was probably also to do with this. The knack is simple and, once found, will not be forgotten.

Got the blades back in the magazines without damage too!
Right. At great risk to my blade stock I have carried out a few experiments. With all the blades I have now tried - NOS Schick, Chinese, Personna - I need to apply very slight torque by using a little anticlockwise pressure on the blade magazine while loading. If I don't do that, the blade either stick or enters at a slight angle, encouraging it to ride over the existing blade. The original sticking half-way was probably also to do with this. The knack is simple and, once found, will not be forgotten.

Got the blades back in the magazines without damage too!
At least you've found your "fix", hopefully others will find the same!

Like @Blademonkey I also dismantle all of my razors immediately after use for rinsing and drying. I know I don't need to, it adds a couple of minutes to my routine, but it is my routine and I find it keeps the razors and blades in good nick so I do it regardless... the ONLY razors that I have to just let it be are my vintage injectors and there's sod all I can do about that :D
I have the original V1 Kickstarter, and the same loading problems discussed here, which seem to be sporadic, in my case.

I currently have 11 different PAL and Schick razors, and blades of all sorts, and I've spent a good bit of time trying to work out why a clean load isn't always happening. These are my observations, and I stand to be corrected on anything hereafter.

After trying the various razors and trying to assess such things as the different "closing" pressures i.e. the "bite-down" on the blade in each, it looks very much to me that the pressure with which the SE clamps the blade is somewhat less than with the older razors. The former relies on the central screw and spring to pull the parts up tight, whilst the latter seem to have a tighter clamping action along the width of the head. One test I've done is to put a fingernail into the injector gap and try to separate the top and bottom. This is almost impossible with the old razors (bar one), but pretty effortless with the SE. I appreciate that the V1 has the "problem" of excessive movement in the lower plate, but whatever the remedy applied to the V2, I would expect it to be less tight than the old razors.

I think that if the old blade isn't really held very firmly, and there isn't a consistent clamping force all along the head, then the new blade isn't held down very firmly as it enters the head, with the result that it will tend to push open the head halves and try to force itself up over the end of the old blade in this process. If the two ends of the old blades don't butt up exactly one to the other, then this becomes even more likely. I guess this is why the anticlockwise pressure described by @globalm has the effect of counteracting the ride-over and lifting.

I mentioned that there is one old razor I have where it is possible to prise it apart quite easily (possibly a result of wrongly using twin blades in the past) and I can reproduce the injection problem about 8 times in 10.

The SE scores by having the removable different plates, and it seems to me it would be difficult to achieve a really tight clamping with the screw and spiral spring. I suppose the spring strength could be increased, but I'm not sure it would make much difference.

I should add that I am delighted by the performance of my Supply Provision V1 razor, and I don't find the alternative loading methods irksome. In fact, in some ways I like it better than the correctly-functioning older injectors, where considerable force is sometimes needed to eject/inject a blade, because they are held so tight.
I have the original V1 Kickstarter, and the same loading problems discussed here, which seem to be sporadic, in my case.

I currently have 11 different PAL and Schick razors, and blades of all sorts, and I've spent a good bit of time trying to work out why a clean load isn't always happening. These are my observations, and I stand to be corrected on anything hereafter.

After trying the various razors and trying to assess such things as the different "closing" pressures i.e. the "bite-down" on the blade in each, it looks very much to me that the pressure with which the SE clamps the blade is somewhat less than with the older razors. The former relies on the central screw and spring to pull the parts up tight, whilst the latter seem to have a tighter clamping action along the width of the head. One test I've done is to put a fingernail into the injector gap and try to separate the top and bottom. This is almost impossible with the old razors (bar one), but pretty effortless with the SE. I appreciate that the V1 has the "problem" of excessive movement in the lower plate, but whatever the remedy applied to the V2, I would expect it to be less tight than the old razors.

I think that if the old blade isn't really held very firmly, and there isn't a consistent clamping force all along the head, then the new blade isn't held down very firmly as it enters the head, with the result that it will tend to push open the head halves and try to force itself up over the end of the old blade in this process. If the two ends of the old blades don't butt up exactly one to the other, then this becomes even more likely. I guess this is why the anticlockwise pressure described by @globalm has the effect of counteracting the ride-over and lifting.

I mentioned that there is one old razor I have where it is possible to prise it apart quite easily (possibly a result of wrongly using twin blades in the past) and I can reproduce the injection problem about 8 times in 10.

The SE scores by having the removable different plates, and it seems to me it would be difficult to achieve a really tight clamping with the screw and spiral spring. I suppose the spring strength could be increased, but I'm not sure it would make much difference.

I should add that I am delighted by the performance of my Supply Provision V1 razor, and I don't find the alternative loading methods irksome. In fact, in some ways I like it better than the correctly-functioning older injectors, where considerable force is sometimes needed to eject/inject a blade, because they are held so tight.
Your observations seem to be spot on and I agree the alternative loading methods are not irksome and for ease of cleaning after every use I find the removable plate just perfect for me.
I wonder if the " quick release mechanism " will still work on the v2?
The SE scores by having the removable different plates, and it seems to me it would be difficult to achieve a really tight clamping with the screw and spiral spring. I suppose the spring strength could be increased, but I'm not sure it would make much difference..


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