Sunburyboy Lime (sensitive edition)

Wow, well to start off, hats off to Steve for his amazing customer care, specially made me a new lime soap with no clay, third less EO and lanolin added to hopefully sort my problems.

My gosh did it work.

Followed the guide same as last time, except melted the soap into the bowl this time, which I could see defo helped build lather into the brush, by time i had moved to second bowl and spun for 20 seconds the lather was super thick.

See album <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a><!-- m -->

so lather was really smooth, smelt great, slick as hell and felt amazing.
Had 4 passes worth (kept missing bits so added a 4th pass) and a bit on brush.

Really got to say again hats off to you steve a great soap, just need to get myself a good ASB to go on after this and it will be in rotation between this and my fav Blighty creams.

Thank you Steve for a great soap and great Customer service.
Cheers mate, well pleased that a tweaked version has sorted out the reaction to the clay, was getting worried about my recipe...i know some people that are highly sensetive to it Mark (Mantic59) being one....

pleased you like the soap though...........enjoy it, will keep that recipe for future requests as well as different scent versions :D :D :D :D
This started as a nice post from CozzyB saying how much he liked my soap, all nice and soapy clean, then you lot come along with your raging hormones, filthy thoughts and desires, and you dirty it up.............i'm ashamed of you all................savages......the lot of you !!! :oops: :oops: :oops:

right now then........................who wants a soap :D :D :D :lol: :lol: :lol:
Arrowhead said:
Glad that has worked out, and hats off to Steve for going the extra mile with this.

"i aim to please........................" :D (PIG CAT INSERT COMMENT HERE:_______________________)

come on Pig Cat, "i have left that open for you !!"

sunburyboy93 said:
Arrowhead said:
Glad that has worked out, and hats off to Steve for going the extra mile with this.

i aim to please........................ :D (PIG CAT INSERT COMMENT HERE:_______________________)

come on Pig Cat, i have left that open for you !!


I'm not rising to that. :roll:


Well OK then I will. You'd better switch the web-cam on. ;)
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