Suggestions on a 2nd razor

I currently use a Merkur 34c hd and would like to start considering an update.
Was thinking on an adjustable one so that I can experiment with blade/aggressiveness combinations.

Is merkur the only one with adjustable razors?

I like the weight of my hd. Any suggestion on which models/brands I should focus on?

The Progress or Futur from Merkur you will know of but what about a vintage Gillette Super Adjustable? Might be just you're thing as it has a good long handle and feels weightier than you might think. Then there is the Gillette Slim Adjustable or Fatboy but Fatboys come at a premium although Slims and Supers can be had for good prices, especially on Etsy. Hope this helps.
Never had considered the gillette but since I do not trust getting one from eBay (can't be sure on the functioning condition) is there another way of checking them out?
undertherazor said:
Never had considered the gillette but since I do not trust getting one from eBay (can't be sure on the functioning condition) is there another way of checking them out?

You could check out razors for sale with in TSR some people sell but you'll have to be patient, how ever Martin had a fatboy doing the rounds,or you could post asking to lend one I'm positive you will get a response quickly
I have a Super Adjustable Black Beauty dated 1971 (the short handled version). This is a terrific shaver and if you like vintage adjustables you should try this one.It gives a lovely mild shave but gives a BBS without any irritation. I use both it and the Merkur Futur mostly with Feathers, Personna Med Preps and Lord Chromes and I'd say I even prefer it to my Futur. Setting 5 on the Black beauty corresponds with about setting 3 on the Futur. They don't come up too often on Ebay, but when they do the prices are reasonable .
How does the Futur compare against the 34c HD when it comes to weight and length ?

I love my HD and would like something close to spec...

I usualy shave with the ASTRA SP - which I think is a mild blade - so a more aggresive, thus adjustable, razor could be a good combo I think.
Etsy is IMHO a little more accountable than ebay and there's no bidding. I got my Slim from there and the seller was excellent. I found his Etsy shop through browsing Badger & Blade and saw the link he'd posted. Here is a link to the guy's shop on Esty and I have to say that I'd recommend him highly.

As other's have said, you should contact Mertjwe or Frenchblade on this forum who hjave sold many razors to many chaps on here - they'll keep you right. ;)
undertherazor said:
How does the Futur compare against the 34c HD when it comes to weight and length ?

I love my HD and would like something close to spec...

I usually shave with the ASTRA SP - which I think is a mild blade - so a more aggresive, thus adjustable, razor could be a good combo I think.
The Futur is one of the heaviest and largest of the group. It's a little awkward getting under the nose because of the size. The Super Adjustables are about the same weight as the 34C so are quite hefty for their size.
Merkur also do a Vision but it is about £90, looks unwieldy and I hear little about them (and even less that's good) but who knows? It could be the perfect adjustable for you. If it were me I would by a slim adjustable in user grade condition for about £25.
Agree . I've used the three Merkur adjustables and for me the Futur seems the best fit. The Vision is a very large razor, and the Progress is on the small side. Shavewise I prefer the Futur.
And of those three (two of which I've actually used - Progress and Futur) I go for the Progress. It is the right size, if a little heavy and slippery and doesn't have painted adjustment numbers or indicators, but delivers a cracking shave and gets the best out of any blade. The Futur looks cool but I don't like the clip on head that you have to force down, slicing your fingers as you use force to push it in. It's also a little too big and heavy for me. The Vision sounds like it's more trouble than it's worth and hasn't crept into my RAD zone. yet.
Something that looked and opened/closed like a Fatboy but shaved like a Progress would be my ideal DE razor.

If the OP wants a long but not heavy or thick adjustable a Super Adjustable would be ideal I would say. Othwerwise a Slim, as I suggested before. But just to bring a new enticement variable into the equation, what's your Gillette date code birth year? :>D
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