Suggestions on a 2nd razor

sorry gents bit late to the post, I've got a vision they are big and heavy 4oz they shave ok but not my fave, I have given it a nick name "The king tiger tank" after you shave with it you have to strip it other wise it rots:icon_rolleyes: don't know if thats any help.
Aye, Etsy. It's a sort of worldwide thing but most of the shops are US based, I think. It's mainly for craftspeople or restorers and sellers of vintage or retro items. There is an option for selecting those sellers who are willing to post to your country, etc. The odd butterscotch brush pops up there too.
If your current one is 34c, get a Weber, you'll feel the difference right away (I have owned both). I mean - you'll be getting it anyway, sooner or later - why wait?
And trust me, there's no real need for adjustability when the razor is right.
Helveticum said:
If your current one is 34c, get a Weber, you'll feel the difference right away (I have owned both). I mean - you'll be getting it anyway, sooner or later - why wait?
And trust me, there's no real need for adjustability when the razor is right.

They really are that good?

What's goin on over there G Man,

Well, those Webers must have something unusual to em in a good way. With so many positive reviews and people using them as their go to razors.......makes you think.

Yes Graeme, the Weber head is one you should probably test drive sometime. Come to think of it, I should give one a go myself at some point. Sheeeesh, more shaving crap to try.

Hail Martino, the one true original enabler and Butterscotch provider. Hmm, I'm going to try your Super tomorrow after all this talk but I have become very curious about this Weber. It looks so like a Merkur head but there must have been quite a few tweaks to get it up to the level that impresses some of the more established members here. Excuse me for I must go and email a Weber lover about a brush handle.....
Thank you all, you comments are very interesting and appreciatded !

I used a 7'oclock supersharp yesterday instead of my usual ASTRA SP and saw quite a difference in the shave. Perhaps the sharper blade makes a different in a razor such as the 34c HD to provide a closer shave as an adjustable would with an ASTRA blade.

But still I m in a experimenting mood, so will start looking at what all of you suggested.