Suggest a DE razor, please.


Father Christmas saw me right with a Vulfix 404 which is definitely a step up on the Body Shop brush, which is now consigned to my travelling kit. I find I get great lather with Arko and a stainless steel bowl (4 for £1 at Poundland).

However, I have been using a Weishei Chinese razor, which has actually been quite good for the money, but after a year or so, the twist mechanism is loosening, and once or twice I have been bitten when it has come loose mid shave.

Please can someone suggest a reliable DE razor with a bit of heft about it, that is not too aggressive. I do like the TTO type, but I'm open minded about a technical. I was looking at an Edwin Jagger DE89 with barley handle - would that suit do you think? Otherwise, I'm open to suggestions. Budget, not to far north of £30.

Apologies for the length of this post,


My first razor was an EJ De89 with an unlined handle... my only regret was that I wasn't aware of the barley-handled version at the time, otherwise I'd have got that... it just looks that bit cooler. But... it's a great razor and I can't see how you can go far wrong with it. You can use it forever... or just until you improve your technique and start lusting after vintage razors and the like.

Personally, I prefer the simplicity of the De89 style razor. I've got a Gillette TTO (a Slim) which I love, but it's still at the back of my mind that there's more to go wrong. Comparing my EJ with other razors, it has a reasonable amount of heft, but obviously loses out when compared to a Stainless Steel heavyweight. The balance of mildness/aggressiveness is also just right for me and I think will see you right while you try out the "usual suspects" of blades

Many thanks for your help. I think the barley handle looks good, and probably also helps with the grip? I use Gillette yellows, which I find excellent. Derby's being too variable (unless I had a bad batch).

Think I'll sink some of my gift cash in one of these.

Thanks again,

Thanks, Gents. Only trouble, the barley handle is now out of stock. Have asked if they will be getting more, otherwise, I'll get a lined one, or something.


Whitefiver said:
Thanks, Gents. Only trouble, the barley handle is now out of stock. Have asked if they will be getting more, otherwise, I'll get a lined one, or something.



I've got the barley chrome handle it looks and shaves great. Have you contacted EJ directly ?, here's their number 0114 275 3739. Give them a call I'm sure they could help you out. I bought my razor direct from them and their customer care is excellent
The EJ DE89 in all it's guises is an excellent razors and the one I keep coming back to. I have the lined handle and again, have no problem holding on to it even with wet, soapy hands ( a messy bugger by nature). Customer service from The English Shaving Co. who are part of Edwin Jagger is absolutely excellent and highly recommended. Your 'Bodger' brush is also fabulous!. A top quality yet inexpensive British made duo.
I'd say "vintage"... but then again I would, wouldn't I? ;)

No, seriously, if you want modern, I really liked my 34C and my 11C from Merkur.
The Ikon was ok, but not worth the money IMHO. I also had a Futur, which I never got on with. (had one twice, since I really wanted to like it)
I also had a Weishi which was like trying to shave with a butter knife.

782sirbrian said:
Barley one here
Not sure if its where you are looking ?



I spotted this a few days ago, then promptly forgot. I was looking at the Traditional Shaving Co's site, which is out of stock, and Google wasn't turning up the English Shaving Company (for me, anyway).

Many thanks for your help, order placed.



NotTheStig said:
I would go for a vintage Tech or Super Speed.

FrenchBlade said:
I'd say "vintage"... but then again I would, wouldn't I? ;)

Hmmm, might work up to something vintage, in time. Used to have a Gillette adjustable (bought new), and threw it out when I was suckered into the multi-blade craze! This was several decades ago though. Sad, but true.

Thanks for all of your help/suggestions - have now ordered an EJ DE89 with barley handle. I'll let you know how I get on.

Happy New Year,

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