Strop in the bathroom?

I'm finally at the point of unpacking my shaving gear in the new house, and the natural place to hang the strop here would be the bathroom (the only door with a hook on it, in fact).

I seem to vaguely remember seeing some say that being kept in an occasionally-steamy room is a problem for a strop. Thoughts?
my strop is on my bedroom door( drives Mrs J nuts ) (yes it does!)<that was MrsJ,as she can't open / close the door with out the elm handle banging around.
My bathroom is so small,I wouldn't be able to strop in there any way.
Johnus said:
Thinking about moving mine out of the bath and using them on a flat surface. Have to see how all of this works out. ?

if its twisting when you are using it then your putting too much presure on

try to keep the straight level when stropping.

if you dont believe you are doing it grab a spirit level and do a stropping motion, it will angle down and away from hand at first

best way when starting is to angle strop to the side slightly
I always used to keep my strop in a spare bedroom and then move it into the bathroom to actually strop and shave.

I'm not really sure how excessive humidity would affect a strop. I suspect that it's more important to keep your razors away from it.

It's not recommended because of the possibility of damp getting to the leather - however, I keep mine in a bathroom drawer and hang it on the door handle when required and I've had no problems so far.
I don't think the bathroom is a good environment to keep or use a strop, the reason being I've read so many posts where a straight razor as met a sad end once dropped onto a tiled floor, also leather as a material does like to absorb moisture so I store mine and do all my stropping in the back bedroom, and if you drop the razor well no problem on a carpeted floor.


There isn't a single piece of carpet in the house, Jamie, unless you count the bathmat... though the wood in the bedrooms would be more forgiving than the slate-like tiles in the bathroom, I think.

If I ever do drop a razor stropping my first priority is likely to be finding all my toes, anyway...
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