Straight Razor Shave of the Day

1940s Fritz Bracht Tennis 5/8 extra hollow round point.
Wickham Gothic Revival set (soap, splash and balm)
Semogue 820

The brush behaved like a total lather hog today, not sure why, same soap as yesterday. I've given it a good shampooing so hopefully it'll be better at the weekend.

Well, again I've surprised myself pleasantly. The time I spent refreshing this Tennis and the Baurmann was not wasted. OK, again, not perfect. For one thing, I think I've caught the edge on the pocket microscope I used to check it, so that maxim about the act of observing results affecting them is true if you're cack handed! I may have to go back and sort it but I did actually have a pretty good shave with it as it is. The only bit of stubble I could still feel is that bit under the jawbone that's really hard to get with a straight for fear of ending up in A+E or worse! So I could have left it, but just did pickups under there with my 69 flare tip.

Happy virtual Friday before the real Good Friday chaps.
Razor Lakeside Cutlery Chicago, ILL
1st use of this newly received razor with a tailor-made scale...I am impressed. It's very comfortable in the hand and easily maneuverable. The jnat edge is surprisingly smooth and crisp...awesome! 3passes for a bbs-dfs finish!
Razor John-Bert Cutlery Co "Oilet" Sheffield
Shave with the last of 3 SRs received from Ebay and I am wowed! This rattler can be considered the best...very comfy on both hands and the edge is so buttery soft...yet keen, just awesome!! 3 easy passes for a bbs-dfs finish...
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