Straight razor maintenance.

Hi all,
I have been using my straights for a while now on a linen and leather paddle strop with no complaints at all but I think the time has come to just touch up the sharpness of my razor edges a little.
I am thinking of buying the The Supex-77 double sided straight razor strop and using it with the Invisible edge Chromium Oxide stropping paste for the finish and a Diamond paste to bring the edge back.
I am not sure if I need the 1 micron paste or to go for the 0.5 or 0.25 paste, what would you suggest?
Have a great day :cool:

There is a school which swears by diamond pasted strops for the ultimate sharp edge. After the finishing stone, they do a progression: 0.5, 0.25 and then finish on 0.1. They say 0.5 and 0.25 can leave a harsh edge but the 0.1 smooths it out. Haven't tried it myself. Maybe one day. First I need to learn how to get the best out of my Naniwa super stones.

Balsa strops are probably a nice idea even if you don't use diamond paste. You can lap them every now and then to keep them perfectly flat. I made a couple with a base of marine ply and spread some CrOx and FeOx on them.

diamond pasted balsa
For me, CrOx and diamond pastes are too harsh - I much prefer the edge off a stone. If you don’t already have one, something like a 12k stone can be had for a reasonable price.
So I should go for a stone and not paste?
Is the stone easy enough to use?
It's just for maintaining my edge, I want leave the major honing part to the experts for now.
So I should go for a stone and not paste?
Is the stone easy enough to use?
It's just for maintaining my edge, I want leave the major honing part to the experts for now.
How many razors do you have? The reason I ask is because a razor that is well looked after and properly stropped can go for months without needing to be refreshed on a hone - therefore if you have more than one razor, perhaps the pasted strop is a good choice for the present, because you can send razors out to be honed as and when required.
I have quite a few razors and a variety of hones consequently I don’t need to use pastes - and, for me, I find diamond paste in particular to be harsh. It’s a personal decision, I’m not saying either is preferable.
How many razors do you have? The reason I ask is because a razor that is well looked after and properly stropped can go for months without needing to be refreshed on a hone - therefore if you have more than one razor, perhaps the pasted strop is a good choice for the present, because you can send razors out to be honed as and when required.
I have quite a few razors and a variety of hones consequently I don’t need to use pastes - and, for me, I find diamond paste in particular to be harsh. It’s a personal decision, I’m not saying either is preferable.
Short answer is 3 razors.
Is this the stone I should consider?
12K Stone
Lots of people rate the Naniwa 12k SS very highly as a finishing stone. It's a solid choice.

Lapping film is another option (3M aluminium oxide lapping film, the one with NO adhesive backing). A stone is definitely nicer to use but film can work very well and is a lot cheaper. You'll need something VERY flat to lay it on. An acrylic plate is recommended. Some types of glass will work (can't remember if it's plate or float?).

I think 1u lapping film is roughly equivalent to the Naniwa 12k but film is cheap and a full progression (starting from 30u or 15u) doesn't cost a lot.
So I should go for a stone and not paste?
Is the stone easy enough to use?
It's just for maintaining my edge, I want leave the major honing part to the experts for now.

There is Nothing Wrong with Paste to Maintain or Refresh a Straight Razor..Or Coming Off a Stone/Hone..If its Used Properly..This Video is a Good Guide for Anybody...How to Maintain an SR for a Very Long Time..As Lynn Shows here a 12 K Super Stone is a Great Stone if Ya Want to Take it Further..Its the Only Stone Ya Will Need with a Properly Honed SR in the 1st Place..I Would Stick to 0.5 Chro/Ox to Start with..Its All Here.. (y)

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Hi all,
I have been using my straights for a while now on a linen and leather paddle strop with no complaints at all but I think the time has come to just touch up the sharpness of my razor edges a little.
I am thinking of buying the The Supex-77 double sided straight razor strop and using it with the Invisible edge Chromium Oxide stropping paste for the finish and a Diamond paste to bring the edge back.
I am not sure if I need the 1 micron paste or to go for the 0.5 or 0.25 paste, what would you suggest?
Have a great day :cool:

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I have recently bought this paddle strop and am using the napped leather with CrOx to give my edges a quick refresh I am finding the combination works great the paddle makes it much easier when using paste for me rather than using it on the back of a hanging strop. I use the hanging strop with linen and leather for just regular stropping. They are of nice quality I really like it
I have recently bought this paddle strop and am using the napped leather with CrOx to give my edges a quick refresh I am finding the combination works great the paddle makes it much easier when using paste for me rather than using it on the back of a hanging strop. I use the hanging strop with linen and leather for just regular stropping. They are of nice quality I really like it
OK - let‘s get one misconception out of the way about the difference between paddle strops and hanging strops. A few straight razor users say that bench or paddle strops are better than hanging strops for beginners because they avoid rounding the edge. That’s nonsense - you avoid rounding the edge by keeping the spine and the bevel in contact with the surface of the strop. A hanging strop is no different to a paddle in this respect - if you consider that a straight razor has a width of between 5/8” and 8/8” it creates a flat surface from spine to edge regardless of whether the strop is hanging or flat. What makes a far greater problem is if the spine is lifted when stropping.
OK - let‘s get one misconception out of the way about the difference between paddle strops and hanging strops. A few straight razor users say that bench or paddle strops are better than hanging strops for beginners because they avoid rounding the edge. That’s nonsense - you avoid rounding the edge by keeping the spine and the bevel in contact with the surface of the strop. A hanging strop is no different to a paddle in this respect - if you consider that a straight razor has a width of between 5/8” and 8/8” it creates a flat surface from spine to edge regardless of whether the strop is hanging or flat. What makes a far greater problem is if the spine is lifted when stropping.
Thanks Rob yes true I agree and I absolutely love my hanging strop, I personally just feel it’s easier to overdo it with paste so prefer using it on the paddle just a personal preference having tried both with paste, but yes keeping the bevel and spine in contact at the same time is all that matters. I started with a hanging strop and have since added the paddle specifically for paste because I can change the bed out too and it also gives me more variety again a personal choice
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Thanks Rob yes true I agree and I absolutely love my hanging strop, I personally just feel it’s easier to overdo it with paste so prefer using it on the paddle just a personal preference having tried both with paste, but yes keeping the bevel and spine in contact at the same time is all that matters. I started with a hanging strop and have since added the paddle specifically for paste because I can change the bed out too and it also gives me more variety again a personal choice
Aye..I Use a Paddle Strop for Pasting..Its Flat Like a Hone for Me & I Feel I have More Control..I Also Use Hanging Strops for Normal Stropping..Whatever Fits the Individual..The Advice I Generally Offer is for Newbies to Try a Hanging Strop for General Stropping..I Think they are Easier to Use as a Beginner..Like Rob Said..There Can be Too Much Made Regarding Paddle Strops for Beginners in Forums..:rolleyes:

There are No Absolutes Mind as Lynn Abrams Alludes in the Video Link I Provided.. :cool:

Aye..I Use a Paddle Strop for Pasting..Its Flat Like a Hone for Me & I Feel I have More Control..I Also Use Hanging Strops for Normal Stropping..Whatever Fits the Individual..The Advice I Generally Offer is for Newbies to Try a Hanging Strop for General Stropping..I Think they are Easier to Use as a Beginner..Like Rob Said..There Can be Too Much Made Regarding Paddle Strops for Beginners in Forums..:rolleyes:

There are No Absolutes Mind as Lynn Abrams Alludes in the Video Link I Provided.. :cool:

I have brought a 12k naniwa-super-stone and I will buy the paddle strop for use with the chromium oxide paste, I have decided against the diamond paste and believe between the stone and the oxide paste I will be able to maintain my razors for a good while before they will ever need a full rehone.
Thank you for the video as it helped me decide on the route I wanted to take.
Also a big thank you to everyone that offered advice.
Have an epic day. :cool:
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