Straight Razor Gift

Just posted it recorded delivery should be there Tue / Wed the first time you shave dont strop it I have already done that for you just shave and only start with your cheeks.

All the best and good luck.


PS my special trip out was to B&Q she wants a new gate and I have been putting it off for a few weeks and the cunning cow new that if I thought that I was going somewhere special I would just go with the flow.
Brilliant. Thanks Graham.

Females......devious... don't trust 'em! :lol:

Hopefully she'll cook you a nice dinner tonight to make up for it :hungrig Only fair if you've been DIYing it on your birthday!
Hello everyone

Razor came today. Nicely packaged with a really helpful letter containing words of advice from Graham. Thanks for taking the time to pen that Graham, much appreciated.

So, I decided to have my first attempt at a shave with a straight this afternoon... :shock:

Lathered up with some Trumpers Rose cream, and my Kent BK4, great lather as usual. Nervously put the razor to my face, I was surprised by how cautious I was actually, but persevered. The razor was sharp, well maintained by Graham by the looks and feel of it. I followed the advice given and by some research done from here and straight razor talk, you tube etc...

Couple of nicks but nothing too serious. Face felt a little raw for an hour or so after, no doubt due to my technique. I splashed on some Floid aftershave, that was a schoolboy error after such a close shave :roll:Bit of MENu moisturiser and job done.

In summary I am pleasantly surprised, feeling my face now.....80% is BBS a few little missed patches. Looking forward to perfecting my technique and getting top results in the future.
Well done you did a lot better than me the first time I shaved with a straight. Just remember little or no pressure and make sure that the razor is dry after you used it.

Thanks Graham

I find the time that I'm most likely to nick myself is when I first put the blade to my face. Also found the spot directly under my nosrils a bit tricky....
If you start with the blade almost flat to the face you should reduce the amount of cuts that you get.

With regards the area under your nose this is the trickiest bit to shave however with practice this comes as well just remember no pressure.

When the strop gets there practice on it with a butter knife and build up some muscle memory and remember to roll the razor in your fingers not by flipping your wrist.


Reading your account of your first straight shave it seems that you've grasped it remarkably quickly. Well done - from somebody who is still on the lower slopes of the straight razor learning curve.
