Straight Razor Gift

That is very fine of you Arrowhead as well as Neil.

I was going to recommend a strop from Neil.

I am giving the razor away on the 8th because it’s my birthday 43 years young :shock:

Since this forum started I have been on here every day and had a good laugh every time I come on so I thought that I would give something back.


please put me on the list of hopefuls....i have never had the spirit to try one of these...nor the courage

this may tip me over the edge if fortunate
Dear Graham,
What a civilised thing to do - well done.
If I had the wit and patience to learn to hone and strop I would also apply, but possessing neither I hope you will forgive me if I decline.
Best wishes.
I was unlucky in the previous draw and was tempted to put my name forward again this time, but since then I have bought (and get on very well with) a Merkur Futur so I'll decline on this occasion. Top marks to Exile for the very generous offer and good luck to those who have put their names forward.
I shall decline the very generous offer as I do have a kit that I am still working along with but I did want to say I hope you have a nice birthday when it comes tomorrow.
Arrowhead thanks for the birthday wishes

Hi all I have just done the draw and markyboy :shock: is the winner I will post it out tomorrow it’s my birthday today and the wife has something planned for me. Knowing my luck it will be a trip to B&Q. Anyway markyboy pm me your address and I will get it to you asap.

Wow, I'm a amazed! I never win anything

Thanks very much Graham. PMd you with address etc... I promise to look after it. Will be my first attempt with a straight razor.......... I'll post my progress with it on here

Oh....and happy birthday, feels like mine now aswell