Stopping the bleeding

All depends on how bad it is. I find alum fine for general irritation and very small weepers. For bigger nicks or more continual blood flow I use a styptic stick. A friend swears by the Turkish aki byliki styptic there like a soft crayon
Never needed anything more than a splash of cold water - except when I put a straight razor 1/4" into my tragus - then I needed a tiny square of toilet paper as well.
Use Alum and styptic in that order - and depending on severity i.e. if alum doesn't stop it, go on to styptic. If you are still having problems try a dab of talcum - this aids the clotting process.

I've heard of people using ground pepper as a last resort!!
Shower before, proraso pre and post shave and then make sure lots of soap/cream etc. Take your time and usually no issues. Water to rinse off then alum if needed and coral skin food and aftershave. Sure you won't any of those though sooner rather than later.
Another Alum user here, which deals with any weepers admirably, with a very occasional reach for the Styptic for anything more persistent.
I've never been one for covering my face with mini Japanese flags.
Re: RE: Stopping the bleeding

Omp said:
Another Alum user here, which deals with any weepers admirably, with a very occasional reach for the Styptic for anything more persistent.
I've never been one for covering my face with mini Japanese flags.

I'll second that
Lots of cold water stops most bleeding. Alum block just stops very, very minor weepers. Styptic does better. I've been trying to use less alum.

If the cut is major and the cold water and styptic don't work, black pepper will stop bleeding in its tracks immediately.
Post shave. WWR. Apply Alum. Leave to work for 30secs. WWR. CWR. Usually no blood.
If I've made a real mess then I presume this is what styptic pencils are for but it's that rare I don't own one or intend to buy one.
Paramedics won't stop the bleeding. I'm one and have just spent nearly an hour trying to sort my own face out lol. Didn't feel the need to call an ambulance though. Imagine the embarrassment. Lol
I get the odd tiny weeper, and occasionally I've cut myself badly (finger once, and septum once with a slant), I don't seem to get anything in between.

Alum block for the former, bandages for the latter.
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