Standard Razor

Sunday March 2, 2014
Just missed out on a Standard Razor on BST

To any members who have used the Razor, what are your views on it.
Good or bad?
A worthwhile purchase?
Seems to be sold out everywhere at the mo.
I have never used one but there are doing another 200 on Massdrop:
If you don't get any joy Miles, give me a couple of weeks with the Standard and I'll send it on to you as a loaner. Try if for a week or so and return it..
Thanks Phil
Just committed to the massdrop. If they get enough interested will be about £36 delivered for the razor and stand

Appreciate the Gesture Rowlers. Many thanks but will see how I get on with massdrop. Enjoy the razor and let
Me know your thoughts on it.
I've got one recently, but only used it once so far. First impressions were that it is mild and efficient. Its all aluminium but surprisingly heavy although if you're used to stainless razors you may not think that.
Second use of the standard razor with a Polsilver Super Iridium. 3 very smooth very mild passes resulting in a bbs shave with no irritation at all. Think this could well be better than the DE86 I have.
I used a standard for a good while. Great razor, build quality seemed top end.
Shave wise; mild on the skin but efficient on stubble. I used it as my daily mon-fri and loved it. Oh and the noise is great. Very loud shave, proper knife over toast!
Only got rid of once id found the holy grail. Slants.
They are superb razors. I like them so much that I have a black and silver pair in current use, plus another brand-new and unused pair in my "these won't be easy to get in x years" stash.
Great razor. One shave in. Thoughts: Excellent build quality, weight and feel. The shave is very efficient. I find that in some harder to shave areas (chin), the blade can skip or flex at the first sign of stronger resistance but not in this razor. I used a lab blue (2) today and found it to give a very mild, smooth and efficient shave. One downside I can see is the proprietary handle fitting. I didn't realise this razor was being made by apple.
Glad it's working for you Damian.

I didn't get on with the Standard but was never able to put my finger on exactly why, the end result was always good but for some reason I didn't enjoy using it. Perhaps the lack of weight compared to my stainless razors was too different. Happily it's gone to a good home now.
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