Spritz bottle recommendations?

I'm looking for a few spritz / pump bottles to use for Thayers Witch Hazel Toners as I find I waste a lot as I pour it into my hand. Any suggestions for where to get them and any recommendations?

I'm currently trawling the bay but would welcome personal recommendations


Picked up mine from superdrug :)

Cheap as chips bout £1 i think. Found it in the Travel section - you know one of the 100ml type bottles for aircraft use.
I know they also do them in Boots stores as well.

Its not going to win any classic looks awards for sure, Its clear plastic with a clear blue spray top... but its bloody effective!
100 Ml of Witch Hazel lasts a damn good while in there - the spray gives you a nice coverage without saturation. (Its especially nice for when ive just shaved my head.)
If you are lazy like me

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/5-x-100ml-EMPTY-PLASTIC-PET-BOTTLES-SPRAY-ATOMISER-/110543445342?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_Health_Beauty_Natural_AlternativeTherapies&hash=item19bce71d5e" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/5-x-100ml-EMPTY-P ... 19bce71d5e</a><!-- m -->

You can get a five pack for £3.50 including postage if you are willing to wait for them to come from Hong Kong.

I ordered mine for WH from a different seller but it look like the exact same bottle.
Excellent thanks!

Didn't think of Boots for some reason. Passing one tomorrow so they've put 2 aside for me as they were the last ones they had.

Thanks guys.
simmo3801 said:
I'm looking for a few spritz / pump bottles to use for Thayers Witch Hazel Toners as I find I waste a lot as I pour it into my hand. Any suggestions for where to get them and any recommendations?

I'm currently trawling the bay but would welcome personal recommendations



I'm with you there simmo, must be a cheap available supply somewhere... :)
simmo3801 said:
Spandex look at boots website and search for "travel bottles" this brings back 2 sizes of spray bottle and a few screw top etc. Reasonable price too!

Thank simmo, big Boots branch in Bristol, will pop down there tomorrow!

spandex.. :D
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