
Ok, I wasn't going to post about this since I thought people might take the p155 but I had a very weathered razor which I thought instead of getting expensive replating on I could just spray with silver or gold paint. Yeah, probably sounds like a stupid idea and makes a good razor look really naff, blah blah blah, but curiosity got the better of me.
I think the idea came from someone saying they wanted to get one painted black.
Anyway, the result actually looked okay (I bought a small can of metallic enamel spray paint) and came out evenly enough. No match for the real thing but from a distance looked ok. Looks like I need a primer first (as the can and my fiancee suggested) as the paint scratched off very easily. You can see in one of the photos where I have scratched the paint off the head.
Has anybody had any luck with this or offer any tips? She suggested a layer of nail polish after priming and spraying.

By the way, no intention of selling old duffers crudely resprayed on ebay for hundreds of pounds. This is just an experiment for my own curiosity.
Pics here:
Hey I think I know what would stick.
Some poster paints my kids used to use at school
They are not water proof but come in a range of colours.
Rinse and paint again with whatever takes your fAncy...
Actually spray paint used on wood burning stoves would work a treat.
That stays on Anything. My stove was black. Now grey.
That stayed on a 300 degrees c.
Otherwise I think your bar handled new looked ok before....
If that is a bar handled new.
Carry on painting.
Oh Crikey I just had a thort.
Nail varnish!!!
You do a spAngly red Christmas sparkly razor extravaganza!!!
My oven occasionaly gets drafted in to paint curing duties after re-spraying old bike parts. A razor or two would easily fit. The key to a good paint finish is preparation.

The dishwasher is a great way of cleaning and de-greasing old bike parts, you could get a fair few razors in there too I'm sure.

Old bicycle tyres come up a treat if you bung them in the washing machine at 30 degrees. Not sure how this would help with razors.

MAKE SURE THE OTHER HALF ISN'T HOME BEFORE YOU ATTEMPT ANY OF THE ABOVE! Even better, make sure she's gone away for the weekend, she'll think something's up if you start expressing an interest for housework while she's home.
NotTheStig said:
Yes, housework-wise I would be setting a dangerous precedent! What temperature and for how long?

Temperature wise I try to get it as low as possible 50-70 degrees C (ish). It's awkward to find a way of suspending stuff in there, you can't just lay it on a baking tray. Let it air dry first, don't put it in there still "wet".

Time wise I've never done anything as small as a razor so a bit of guess work may be required, see how you get on. Longer the better in my experience, make sure the paint properly cures.

Word of warning though, if you have a fan assisted oven you'll fill the house with the smell of spray paint, there will be no denying that you have been up to something.
Thanks tadpole. I do have a fan oven. If the spaces between the bars on the shelves are right I could hang it through them by its head. Could be quite a fun experiment.
Funny you should bring this topic up. I bought a old gold Gillette off of eBay , inexpensive, but when I received it, it just didn't look right. Yes! Spray painted Gold!! I sent a message it the seller who assured me that they would never spray paint their razors ...BUT they may have bought it that way!!!
So all that shines may not be silver, gold, or nickel!!!
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