SOTD: Saturday November 2nd 2019 to Friday November 8th 2019


Pre - Soap Free Face wash
Soap - MWF
Brush - Omega 11819 Boar
Razor - Yaqi DOC
Blade - Voskhod (6)
Post - Witch Hazel
Balm - Nivea Cool Kick
AS - Gillette Artic Ice

Generally I shave every day but today's shave was the first since Saturday, so I had a fair amount more growth to mow down than usual. Unspectacular shave itself but felt great to have my face stubble free again.

First Head and dome shave with my new Colonial Silversmith razor. In words of one syllable, WOW!! I had the opportunity to shave with this razor back in early September as part of a loan swap with a friend on another board (Karve for Silversmith). We each shaved with the others razor for two weeks and then returned them. I'd forgotten how smooth and efficient the razor is! It looks like it may become my favorite DE. Effortless BBS!

SOTD 11/05/19

RAZOR: Colonial Silversmith
BLADE: Voskhod
PRESHAVE: Cold water rinse followed by PAA's Charcoal-Menthol Cube preshave soap
BRUSH: Omega Pro 48 Boar
SOAP: Alpinemade Unscented Goat Milk
POSTSHAVE: Wash with Goat Milk soap followed by Thayers Lavender Witch Hazel then Aqua Velva and finished with Lisa's Post Shave Elixir
Pre shave: Proraso white pre shave cream
Brush: omega 49 boar brush
Soap: Proraso green with dash of Palmolive cream added.
Razor: Feather AS-D2 (first outing)
Blade: Feather (1)
Post shave: cold water splash, alum block, cold water rinse.
Balm: LEA (free sample)
Aftershave: Tabac
I was wary about using a feather blade because of its reputation but I understand that it suits this razor and was pleased with my 3 pass shave - although some stinging with the alum. I found the correct angle for the Feather razor easily, but as a new DE shaver I'm at the stage of conscious competence and so still need to concentrate when shaving.
I don't know if you've ever tried it, but PAA's Preshave Soap Cubes are great prep for smooth shaves. I started using them about three months ago, and found they make a great positive contribution to my shaves. After a cold rinse, I rub it all over my whiskers and then just apply my regular shave soap on top. The best part is it's cheap.

Enjoy your shaves,

Tuesday AM 2019-11-05

Moss Anniversary Slate scuttle
Rooney Beehive Ivory Finest (24/50)
Hemingway Accoutrements shaving cream
Wolfman WR2-SB Mirror-Polished/Bob's Razor Works Bull Mastiff
Gillette Platinum 'Swede' (1)
Hemingway Accoutrements aftershave

I am disappointed in how short a time the cream is lasting. It is going much faster than any of my other creams or soaps, while the matching aftershave is lasting much longer. The WR2 0.95 seems to be as smooth as and significantly less aggressive than the WR1 0.61, even with a first-use blade, while still giving a BBS shave.
Tuesday evening

Wickham's 1912 Cashmere
RazoRock BC Silvertip synth
Face lather
Gillette New Red and Black
Gillette Silver Blue
Thayer's Rose Petal and Aloe Vera
Wickham's 1912 Cashmere splash

A beautiful result tonight. The Cashmere had been lurking at the back of the drawer for a wee while; and I'm glad I used it tonight. Great performance, cushion and slickness. The post-shave feel is outstanding too; abetted by the 1912 splash.

I haven't gone rogue on my shaving routine recently but a number of days on various updating courses has seen me either too knackered or too 'I can't be bothered my arse' for an entry on SOTD.

So today I have made a bit more of a concerted effort and so I present my shave with the theme 'A more concerted effort'

I can't be bothered - Stainless Colonial General
A what? - Kai Captain
Yeh that'll do - Razorock 400
Ah sod that - Extro Postiano
Do I really have to? - Dior Eau Sauvage

Even in a weary state after a day of updating my proficiency in fire fighting there is always time for a shave. It is a sheer luxury to lose one's self in razor activity and how bloody refreshing it rounds off the day.

And if any razor is going to make short work for the sake of being idle then the General is always going to be that razor. And it did exactly that. Three full passes to that stairway to heaven some obscure band once sang of.

Still up there as a top soap the Extro is always going to perform superbly and this evening was no let down. Thrown together via the Razorock and life looks better.

The Eau Sauvage is a recent purchase and very nice indeed. It reminds me of 1881 and Prada luna Rosa Carbon but without the strong edge those two carry.

Things I learnt today

  1. Shaving is great (but I already knew that)
  2. I am getting too old for this updating shit. But retirement is not that far away
  3. No amount of Eau Sauvage is going to remove the smell of fires and burning

But, I am smoother than my own bottom (which isn't difficult) and smelling slightly better than the charred scent I appear to be carrying.

But as much as 'I can't be bothered my arse' I certainly can be bothered with some pretty Japanese metal girlie's

Be well all you folk out there and I hope you have more enthusiasm with your shaves than me at the moment.

Ps. @Digimonkey I am working on your challenge. I am working on it
merkur hd
english wilkinson sword
vie long 15315 synthetic
palmolive shave stick
l'occitan pour homme AS balm
zino davidoff edt

utterly shite shave. one of those out of the blue, bloody messes.... hey ho

The 'shite' shaves have a purpose; they remind us what good looks and feels like. Hope the next one is better.