SOTD Saturday 6th December to Friday 12th December

Prep: hot shower and cold water splash
Brush: Muhle synthetic
Soap: MWF
Razor: Merkur progress ( 4,3,2)
Blade: Lord Platinum

Got a Lord sampler pack so starting to go through the blades. The platinum seems a lot smoother than the classic. Think I will try the crown next.

Have a good Wednesday.

Wednesday x December, 2014

Prep: Shower, Korres Wheat Face Soap
Pre: Cold water splash
Brush: Omega 31064
Soap: Mama Bear's Ye Olde Barbershoppe Stick
Razor: Timor 1305K
Blade: NOS Schick Krona #3
Post: Myrsol F/Extra, Queen Charlotte Soaps Esquire ASB
Fragrance: Knize Forest Toilet Water

Result: Lovely scrape this morning. Mama Bear's will be done & dusted by the end of the week. I have to say I was disappointed with this when I first received it, but latterly, with the Omega, it has been simply splendid. I'v always loved the scent but the performance now matches it. On a sadder note the Knize Forest has squirted its last squirt!

All the best

Wednesday 10th December

Warm shower
Hot towel
Stirling Sharp Dressed Man scuttle lathered
Finest Badger brush made by myself
Gillette ABC Shell pattern (1914)
Personna Lab Blue (2)
Cold rinse
Thayers Lavender witch hazel
Aqua Velva Musk aftershave
Tuesday December 10, 2014

Tuesday December 10, 2014

Ambossmann 150, 6/8 Full Hollow, Round Point

This is one of my favorite straight razors, it is reliable and capable of always giving an impeccable shave. It is the only Ambossmann razor in my collection and it was one of my favorite ones since the day I bought it. A singing razor, very precise and sharp, capable of a very deep shave, comfortable and absolutely smooth.​

  • Pre-Shave: Prep Cream
  • Soap: Mondial Almond Shaving Soap
  • Brush: Omega Bristle 49 Red
  • Bowl: Gerby Bowl
  • Strop: Mastro Livi Loom Strop and Hand Palm
  • Razor: Ambossmann 150, 6/8 Full Hollow, Round Point
  • Post-Shave: Argan Oil
  • After Shave: Aqua Velva Loción Aftershave
Soap: Mikes Soap - Coconut
Razor: Gillette Super Speed
Blade: Lord
Brush: Custom 400 Boar
EDT: Encre Noire Sport

A great morning shave today all finished in a scent I didn't care too much for to begin with, but I have to say it is growing on me. Feeling bright and sprightly!

Have a great day Gents!
Mongoose Satin Dr Bomber Handle
Feather Pro (6)
Seagrapes Studio Bay Rum Soap
Frank Shaving Barber Handle Finest
Stirling Bay Rum Witch Hazel Aloe Balm
Bowling Green After Shave
Seagrapes Studio Shave Bowl
Cold water splash
Klar Kabinett
M&F Urn in Blonde Badger
ATT M2 Kronos
Gillette 7 O'Clock Black (1)
Penhaligon's Opus 1870 ASB
Penhaligon's Opus 1870 EDT

An enjoyable 3-pass cold water shave. Feeling good

Face wash with Waitrose glycerine soap
Cobra Classic / Pro blade
Simpson “Chubby” 3 Manchurian Cobalt
Martin de Candre Fougère
Proraso Green A/S
Tom Ford Cafe Rose


Poor shave tonight...
Full of cold (man Flu!), so though a nice balst of menthol was in order...
Proraso PreShave
Semogue 830
PAL Adjustable Injector
Blue Stratos AS
Groomed Moisturiser.
How it went.... My replacement tube if Ingrams has separated into water, so it fell out into the bowl. Dropped a new blade into the PAL, whisked up an OK lather considering I was lathering what looked like milky water. Took a couple of strokes and nothing seemed to be happening! So tried another blade (down to my last 2 now ) which was much better but after much hacking and touching up I'm raw, and patchy. It will have to do for now though.
Upon inspecting the "dodgy" blade you can see the edge has been rolled, almost like a blunted knife!
Looking forward to tomorrow for more success!
Pre: Proraso pre-shave - sensitive
Soap: La Toja shave stick
Brush: MÜHLE Travel synthetic
Razor: Gillette Guard
After: Aqua Velva Ice Blue AS, Lea ASB

This'll be my shave kit for the next couple of days while I'm enjoying all things Belgium. All fits in easily into a Jones bootmaker leather shoe polish bag.

Prep - Shower / Almond Soap
Razor - Gillette Rocket HD
Blade - Astra SP (#7)
Brush - Omega 20106
Soap - Arko / Proraso Green / Glycerine
After - Alum / Witch Hazel
Result - BBS

First time with the Rocket, and sadly I didn't get the best shave. Very smooth but very unusually, irritation on my moustache area and right lower neck. I usually prep with Kyle's Method of pre-lathering before steaming but I just went with the warm shower tonight, which I now know wasn't enough. I usually wield my trusty Slim Adjustable set between five and seven but I guess I just need to give myself more time with the much loved Rocket, which is a beauty, thanks to Hippo! The weight is perfect too.

Good setup, that. Enjoy Belgium ... don't drink too much ... coffee