SOTD Saturday 5th September to Friday 11th September

Sunday's Scrapings:

Merkur 34HD, Perma Sharp Super
Hand-carved Beech 24mm 2-band Finest
Homemade Menthol Pre/Post Shave Oil
Proraso Red Tub Soap (Courtesy of NotTheStig)
Blue Stratos AS
Tabacco Cologne (Courtesy of NotTheStig)

A fine shave and needed after yesterday's quick and dirty but I had meant to use a Ri Mei Platinum blade from, yes you guessed it, NotTheStig, but had nearly finished my first pass before I realised - doh! Still, I've loaded it into my HD for Tuesday's Tribulations. I could have done with it today as the Perma Sharp was a little tuggy during this, it's fifth run out.

A huge thanks to Carl (NotTheStig) for sending me such a loaded box of goodies full of things I've never tried. You've injected some much needed excitement into my shaving routine, mate! :D:D:D
Good to hear, Gairdner! Will be interested to see what you think of the Ri Mei. I think they're very sharp and smooth but not up to more than two shaves.
Also, what did you think of the Tobacco cologne?

Just now:
Flying Eagle (x2)
Semogue 1305
Van der Hagen shaving soap
American Blend a/s

Disappointing results with the Flying Eagles. First blade was very blunt, second less so but still poor. The Stahly doesn't like them - dragged and pulled and scraped. The Progress was more tolerant but I still ended up with a very average result. Fortunately little in the way of redness or irritation.
Simpson Chubby 2 Super Two Band
Saponificio Varesino Felce Aromatica
Feather AS-D2 with iKon OC Base plate
Feather Hi-Stainless
I Coloniali Mango Oil Shaving Balm
Prep - Shower / Woods Of Windsor Cedar Woods soap / Pre-lather / 3 min steam
Razor - Gillette NEW LC
Blade - Personna Lab Blue (#3)
Brush - Omega 20106
Soap - Arko / glycerine / mental crystals
After - Frozen towel / Alum & WH Mix
Result - BeyondBBS

I love the NEW LC but it's been difficult finding it's perfect match in a blade. So far it's only been a Perma-Sharp Super that's managed the feat. Now it's been followed by the Lab Blues. I've been getting amazing results so far with these but I've decided that they will definitely be in the permanent rotation. This is all the more impressive given it had five days growth to plough through.
Mental crystals today again, the feeling's seriously addictive. Result is a face that feels like it's never had hair.
SOTD 6/9/15

Hot Towel
TOBS Lavender
Body Shop Synthetic
Merkur 39C
Astra SS (2)
Cold Towel
Woodspice Amber


Well, after yesterdays aborted shave after 2 passes, I wanted a close shave so reverted to the DE. Prepared in the usual manne of hot towel then proceeded to whip up a mountain of lather with TOBS Lavender. First pass went well, second pass OK, third pass, my face was screaming ENOUGH ALREADY. Strange, as I'd not felt this kind of sensation for a long time, not since the cartridge days. So, I eased off pressure above the jawline and entirely skipped below the jawline, with no chasing of BBS at all. The alum block was used to tell the story, burn baby burn. I slathered on some Woodspice Amber as that seems to help the burn, which it did.

Result? 4/5. Despite the 3rd pass feeling a little intense, the shave was good, I shall pamper the boat race with extra moisture post shower this evening.
SOTD - Sunday afternoon
Pre: Hot towels & RazoRock menthol/lime soap
Soap: Reef Point "Classic Barbershop" (old menthol version)
Brush: Shavemac Americana 24mm 2-band silvertip
Razor: OneBlade
Blade: Feather FHS SE (2)
Post: Thayer's Original witch hazel, followed by Myrsol Formula-C
Day-7 of the Barbershop Shootout. Second (and last) time with the OneBlade.
Now I understand why the OneBlade company suggests you change the blade with every shave. This blade started average and finished duller than a week-old Derby!
Reef Point soap was amazing! Eric doesn't carry the menthol version of his barbershop anymore (maybe at a future date) but the lather was beyond slick. Amazing stuff!
ej89, wickham's 1902, isana boar brush, astra green (*2), speick a/s, aloe vera gel.

dug this soap out as it's been sitting in the garage for months. Still a crackin soap - hopefully we'll see Darron soon with his new hardsoap. Last of the speick.
Shower (most of the times before shaving, otherwise hot towel), W&B Barber's Ratler (hollow ground), brush Dalvey synthetic, Classic Male Grooming soap (decent), BB balm

Good to hear, Gairdner! Will be interested to see what you think of the Ri Mei. I think they're very sharp and smooth but not up to more than two shaves.
Also, what did you think of the Tobacco cologne?

I quite liked it. Not entirely sure but I think it will grow on me. I was going to just go with Blue Stratos EdT having used the AS but changed my mind and went with the 'baccy. There's a floral note in there. Looking forward to the Ri Mei but that will be Tuesday as I normally just shave every second day - used to be every day when at work but if I have a good close DE shave, I don't look too scruffy the following day.

Evening, all.
Prep: Claus Porto's Lime-oil face soap
Razor: Bic 1
Blade: (2)
Brush: Kabuki Bamboo
Shave soap: Kell's Aloe and Hemp, energy
Aftershave: Homemade Kölnisch Wasser splash
Cologne: James Bronnley
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