SOTD : Saturday 27th January - Friday 2nd February 2018.

Greetings All,

Monday shave

Four day's growth and warm shave

Preparation – Showered then face washed with Clique Liquid facial soap (mild)
Soap: Molton Brown Shaving Soap
Razor: Rockwell 6C (4P)
Blade: Dorco Stainless (New Platinum) (1st)
Brush: RazoRock 400 (face lather)

Post Shave: Hot then cold water rinse, Alum, C&E West Indian Lime Aftershave Balm followed by Michael Kors EDT.

Dorco Stainless (New Platinum) Test
Day 1

My current ranking:

1. Shark SS
2. Lord Platinum
3. Gillette Nacet
4. Astra SP
5. Perma-Sharp Super​

Testing the Dorco Stainless (New Platinum) for the four days. Initial thought is that the blade is not as forgiving as the Lord Platinum (two weepers where I don't usually get them). The blade does feel slightly sharper though not as aggressive as the Perma-Sharp.

My shave was nice, a little Alum burn (that lingered longer than I thought it would) but post shave feel is fine. Close to BBS and overall a positive first shave.


Monday's SOTD

Pre-shave - Warm shower, Wright's Cold Tar Soap face wash, warm water splash.
Razor - The Colonial General SS.
Blade - Kai Captain (Mild) Pink (Day 8?).
Soap - OSP Neroli.
Bowl - Via Barberia by Omega.
Brush - Simpsons Duke 2 - Pure Badger.
Post shave - Cold Water Splash, followed by OSP Neroli Splash.

A very comfortable, no fuss, 2 pass shave this morning. It was nice to get out the Duke 2, its seems like ages since I have used a badger brush. A DFS + BBS - finish, which was what I was aiming for.

Have a great week all,


Brush - Omega 80265
Soap - Valobria Menthol croap
Razor - DE89
Blade - Gillette Rubie Platinum
Post - Benjamin's Bay Rum

Shortly after I joined the forum, @Taipan was generous enough to send a selection of blades including the Gillette Rubie Platinum which after reading a lot of great user reports so I decided to give it a try today.

I can now understand why the GRP is so highly rated, it's the smoothest & most forgiving PPI blade I have used. The first pass was one of the best first passes I can remember. It seems my intention to not buy any more blades for the forseeable future will fail.

It was the first time I used the Valobria Menthol croap and my expectations were very high as the half a dozen or so Italian croaps I have used have been some of my all favourite soaps. The Valobria was a decent performer but I'd be inclined to suggest Vitos, 3P & Cella are superior in performance.