SOTD Saturday 27 March to Friday 2nd April

Best of luck Ollie. I loved their Limes AS, now stupidly discontinued and still use their creams and colognes. I really wanted this to work well but it didn't. Such a shame.
Best of luck Ollie. I loved their Limes AS, now stupidly discontinued and still use their creams and colognes. I really wanted this to work well but it didn't. Such a shame.
I have tried their lime and violet creams and they are great I also use the violet aftershave and love that, wanted to get the limes aftershave too, think it’s a shame there is no Rose aftershave. The soaps are always on offer so cheap to pick up and no worries with the hard soaps going off so worth getting a few in just to have a go with, will update with my findings though are you sure it’s not that first top layer you need to break through to get it lathering good and out of interest did you bloom it ?
Thursday 1st April
Ever Ready 1924 Patent Anniversary
Zenith 506 - Haslinger Honig - Ever Ready 1924 - GEM Stainless Coated #4 - Williams Aqua Velva A/S - Aloe Vera Gel

This travel set was the 1st 1924 I acquired back in 2015; after being sent down the SE rabbit hole (ewe you know who you are). The short handle doesn't really bother me plus the audio feedback is second to none.

Prep: Shower, Palmolive Olive Oil Soap
Soap: Tabac
Brush: 24mm Yaqi Sagrada Familia Tuxedo
Razor: Parker R22 Interceptor
Blade: Solingen Timor (1)
Post: Alum, Tabac ASL, Real Shaving Co. Balm

Second of the recent PIF blades, and I love the design. Classic shave all round with double Tabac to complement the blade. I'd not heard of this brand before, but it is without doubt one of the smoothest blades I've tried. It performed especially well on the "problem spot" on my neck. Perhaps not the sharpest in a Feather way, but certainly in a confidence-inspiring, quality one if that makes sense! Looking forward to seeing how this shapes up for day 2.
Todays Cold Water Shave Kit - Thursday 1st April 2021

Shave Score 8.50/10.0 - marked down due to stabbing myself in the face with the razor

PreShave: Hot Shower
PreShave Cream: Proraso Refreshing PreShave Cream
Soap: Officina Artigiana - Milano
Brush: Yaqi 24mm - Purple Haze
Razor: RazoRock GameChanger .84 SB
Blade: Gillette Platinum (1)
Post Shave ASL: Officina Artigiana - Milano
Post Shave Balm: LEA
Post Shave Cologne: Geoffrey Beene - Bowling Green

Gillette Platinum today, found out the hard way how sharp this was, when merely presenting the razor to upper left cheek must of had it at a weird angle because basically it embedded itself, not too much as the styptic stick took care of it in short order.
Was a lovely and super close shave in the RR GC .84 SB.

I was in a hurry as a user at a client of mine thought it would make a great April fools to say to the entire company on Ringcentral chat that he was broken into last night and his laptop stolen, so after me saying on said chat he ought to of told me sooner, and me being the IT Manager for that company I decided to remove his PC from the company via Azure endpoint management and wipe it, currently in the process of reloading it He got me good but is now aware to check with me before announcing to the whole company that he's lost a company asset.

Have a good April fools day and watch yoursefls at least until 12:00

p.s. Just a wee question, does anyone know where I can pick up a .84 OC head for this razor, just to try out of course?


Thu 1st SOTD
Soap Margaritas in the Arctic
Brush Yaqi 26mm Mysterious Space Tuxedo
Razor Fatip OC Slant on the Grande Handle
Blade Gillette Platinum 2nd
Post & Aftershaves Ice Water + Stirling Witchhazel & Aloe Margaritas in the Arctic + Hyaluronic
Marvelously good lather from the soap. Boozy pleasant scent, really cold sensation, creamily thick and it for our hot weather!!
Shave with razor paired with the blade was good enough for 3passes without any weepers today but somehow not as efficient even though the blade was only on its 2nd use. Just used the Stirling MITA Witchhazel as an aftershave and it was great!! The intense cold from the soap, ice water & the experience!

SOTD 01-April

Warm Shower

Razorock Monster

Phoenix and Beau Spitfire

Mawhood Bros Sheffield ~ palm tree brand (Completely unknown to me but it's a sharp little devil)

Barts Balm - Ben Nevis

Kept it simple and it paid off, relaxing shave and smooth finish. First outing with the Ben Nevis Balm sample, think I'll be adding a few full size efforts to my collection soon.

Have a good one all!

