SOTD: Saturday 26th August-Friday 1st September 2017.

Fri 1st Sept.

RazoRock Plissoft 22mm
Stirling Baker Street
Brass General /Windrose S/S Handle
Feather Pro [6 ]
Alum Rub/ Rinse off
Tuff Green A/S Lotion

Though I like the Brass General I never got on with the Stock Handle, so it has not had the use
it possibly should have had. Failing to find a nice knurled brass handle, I have been using S/S
ones instead.

My last Shave was not good, as the handle used was maybe a bit too heavy and generally felt cumbersome. Today I chose to use a lighter, slimmer handle and the difference was amazing.
The Razor/Handle combo felt good in the hand,and was very easy to manoeuvre during the shave.The Shave was really smooth and easy, with a great all round finish.

I must not be the only one who has not like the stock handle, as it would appear that the New
S/S General may well have a knurled handle, not too dissimilar to the one I used today.

Maths is not my strong point but you have lost me with the glue bump and loft dimensions! Surely that is not what you meant to say.

Fiore & Frutta Almond ...@ajc347 - any suggestions/tips?

I found it lathered pretty easily when I bowl lathered with it. I am blessed with very soft water where I live, so that may be a factor.

I'd definitely try blooming it, using a wetter brush and loading the brush until it won't hold any more soap. That should help with whipping up a good lather in a bowl.

Let me know how you get on.

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Sterling Margaritas in the Arctic soap sample
Simpsons Colonel brush
Gillette Aristocrat DE
Gillette Stainless blade

First use of an American soap... Lather quality is adequate but nothing to write home about, scent strength is way too strong! Returning from a holiday in Wales aged 5 I sat in the backseat of the car with a large bag of sherbet lemons and ate the whole lot on the way home, this soap took me back 23 years to that very day

A mere week after swearing off badger brushes I seem to have acquired another... Oops.
I think I'm just used to softer soaps! I've got nice, soft water here also so I don't think ta be down to a water hardness issue. I think bowl lathering is easier for a tougher soap like this but I'll persist for sure! thanks for the reply man!