SOTD : Saturday 24th February - Friday 2nd March 2018

Sun 25th Feb

Omega 10005 boar
Schick N3
Schick Twin Japanese ( 20 )
Pitralon Original A/S Lotion

A very leisurely Shave or so it felt , but maybe it is because the N3 / Schick Twin combine so well to provide a very comfortable Shave.I find it hard to believe that this blade is upto 20, and at the end of the Shave, it can be used with a light touch to whisk away any remaining stubborn growth. I actually prefer this Razor to the adjustable as I find the handle to much nicer to grip.

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Shave of the day Saturday 24 February 2018 :)

Pre-shave - Warm bath with Epsom salts, face wash Wright's Cold Tar Soap, followed by warm water splash and The Gentleman's Groom Room Shave Prep +.
Cream - Musgo Real Orange Amber Shaving Cream.
Brush - Simpsons Chubby 2 - Synthetic.
Bowl - Little Wren Pottery.
Razor - Blackland Sabre-L2.
Blade - GEM PTFE (day 7).
Post - Cold water splash, followed by Myrsol After Shave Balsamic Water.

Possibly one of the best shaves ever!

Nice and relaxed, getting ready for the Rugby and a house warming party combined - the shave was almost perfect.

Warm batch with Epsom salts to soften the skin, the Gentleman's Groom Shave Prep +, just melted into the skin and formed a great protective sheen, ready for the shave.

The Musgo shave cream, combined with the Chubby 2, whipped up an amazing lather. A smooth and efficient 2 pass shave followed - WTG and XTG on the face, with a WTG and ATG on the neck.

The Sabre-L2 with the GEM was like a hot knife through butter - smooth, efficient - no weepers or redness. My skin felt smooth and soft after the shave, not a hint of tightness, which I have has on occassion when shaving the the Sabre-L2.

The Myrsol Balsamic water felt great on the skin at, after the shave, a great way to fnish.

This afternoon, Sunday, I had a quick tidy-up shave - same set up other than I used OSP Sicilian Lemon Cream. Great result, although some tugging with the GEM blade. I have loaded up my Sabre-L1 with a new GEM blade for Monday's shave. The weather is forecast to be rather cold, decided to try out the L1 - with the theory that there will be less stress on my skin, which will help bear up to the cold.

All the best,


All the best,

Colonial Razors,Alu General
Schick Proline
Semogue 620 Boar
Wickham 1912 Classic 24
Lucky Tiger Face Tonic
Razorock xXx
View attachment 33590

Up with a spring in my step this morning as the wife and I will soon be making our way to Tarbert in Argyll (west coast of Scotland).We have been treated to a few nights on a luxurious converted barge. Scottish breakfast will be provided in the Anchor hotel that is situated close by.
View attachment 33591

Thanks to our twin daughters,what a nice surprise.

Enjoy your weekend gentlemen,I will !!!

Hope you enjoy your weekend! :)

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Shave of the day Saturday 24 February 2018 :)

Pre-shave - Warm bath with Epsom salts, face wash Wright's Cold Tar Soap, followed by warm water splash and The Gentleman's Groom Room Shave Prep +.
Cream - Musgo Real Orange Amber Shaving Cream.
Brush - Simpsons Chubby 2 - Synthetic.
Bowl - Little Wren Pottery.
Razor - Blackland Sabre-L2.
Blade - GEM PTFE (day 7).
Post - Cold water splash, followed by Myrsol After Shave Balsamic Water.

Possibly one of the best shaves ever!

Nice and relaxed, getting ready for the Rugby and a house warming party combined - the shave was almost perfect.

Warm batch with Epsom salts to soften the skin, the Gentleman's Groom Shave Prep +, just melted into the skin and formed a great protective sheen, ready for the shave.

The Musgo shave cream, combined with the Chubby 2, whipped up an amazing lather. A smooth and efficient 2 pass shave followed - WTG and XTG on the face, with a WTG and ATG on the neck.

The Sabre-L2 with the GEM was like a hot knife through butter - smooth, efficient - no weepers or redness. My skin felt smooth and soft after the shave, not a hint of tightness, which I have has on occassion when shaving the the Sabre-L2.

The Myrsol Balsamic water felt great on the skin at, after the shave, a great way to fnish.

This afternoon, Sunday, I had a quick tidy-up shave - same set up other than I used OSP Sicilian Lemon Cream. Great result, although some tugging with the GEM blade. I have loaded up my Sabre-L1 with a new GEM blade for Monday's shave. The weather is forecast to be rather cold, decided to try out the L1 - with the theory that there will be less stress on my skin, which will help bear up to the cold.

All the best,


All the best,

I'm very impressed with the L2, effective and manouevrable.

  • Safety Razor: Timeless Razor - Closed Comb - 0.68mm - 100mm Barber Pole
  • Blade: Polsilver - Super Iridium
  • Shaving Brush: Paladin - 26mm Chief Butterscotch Marble (Select Badger)
  • Shaving Bowl: Saponificio Varesino - Shaving Grail Bowl
  • Shaving Soap: Sapone Di Paolo - Cremoso
  • After-Shave: Sapone Di Paolo - Cremoso

Monday 26th February 2018
Prep: Shower
Razor: Muhle R41 (2013)
Blade: Bluebird Stainless
Brush: Thater 2 Band Fan
Soap: Tabac
Aftershave: Simple Moisteriser
EDT: Fan di Fendi Assoluta

This is the sixteenth blade that I have tried in the R41 and the first that I can claim to be really quite poor. The shave was 'tuggy' and rough, I did end up with a very decent shave but the process was no fun at all, the face feel with this blade can only be described as unpleasant. I personally can find little to say in mitigation for these blades other than it is possible to shave with them.

I have read, and there is quite some circumstantial evidence to suggest these blades are rebranded Derbys, ie the coating namely Chromium-Ceramic-Platinum-Tungsten-Polymer is the same and they are also made in Turkey. As no other blade to my knowledge claims to have such a coating and the country of origin is the same this surely has some merit!


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