SOTD : Saturday 24th February - Friday 2nd March 2018

Sunday 25th February

Olive Oil Soap and RSC Facial scrub.
Vitos Pre Shave Cream
RazoRock Plague Doctor Soap
Omega 10029 Boar Brush
Feather AC SS with a Feather SuperPro Blade
Alum Block and Rinse
Lacura Moisturiser
Benjamins Kananga Water (straight from the Fridge)

I absolutely love the scent of Plague Doctor soap. So much so that I am turning into the Shaving equivalent of Pavlov's Dogs and start drooling at the thought of Night Duty. I need to break the habit and enjoy it on other occasions.

The Omega 10029 is a lovely little brush. 24mm knot and 50mm loft...perfect for face lathering. It was bought a few years ago but didn't get much use , as at that time I was a Semogue person.

Three full passes...and as Billy would say....I am Dolphin smooth
Sunny Sunday Shave

RazoRock 400
La Toja Stick
Rockwell 6C plate 5
Voskhod (2)
Proraso Green ASL

Fantastic two pass shave for BBS.
I don't know if the water in the Canaries is soft or hard but my soap lathered like a champ this morning.

It was raining early on but I'm on a sun lounger by the pool now and all is well.

I forgot to pack any scents, having meant to bring some perfume oils but I'm sure I'll manage without.
SOTD 250218

Razor: Walter Stocker Solingen 5/8
Soap: B&M Cologne Russe
Brush: Shavemac 28mm 2 band silvertip Custom "The Rowl"
Post: Martin De Candre Balm
EDT: Mancera Cedrat Boise

A wonderful 2 pass with a couple of touch ups shave with my newly acquired razor honed and sharpened to give an incredible edge by @Fergiebilly .

The brush is outstanding. The gel tips are super soft while maintaining an excellent back bone. Superb flow through using one of my favourite soaps. The silky lather was rich and smooth and extremely slick. The scent is gorgeous.

Finished with a touch of balm and generous helping of Mancera.

Enjoy your shaves!
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Razor: Micromatic OC (on loan)
Blade: Personna SS (2)
Brush: shavemac Snowman
Soap: Saponificio Varesino Felce Aromatica
Posr: Thayers witch hazel and Pitralon Classic aftershave

Second outing with the MMOC on loan from Kevin AKA @Boru62
An outstanding shave with a fantastic razor. Extremely efficient but still smooth and comfortable. I think I need one of these in my arsenal. If anyone has a minter in Brass please give me a shout.

Have a good week gents and be careful out there.


Evening shave.

BBA Face Wash
Meissner Tremonia Dark Limes Shaving Paste
Omega 10098 Boar
Little Wren Pottery
Gillette Fatboy (6)
Polsilver SI (1)
Thayers Witch Hazel (unscented)
Myrsol Agua De Limon Aftershave

Well I fell of my ‘no purchases in 2018' wagon to buy this paste and I'm so glad that I did. Superb stuff. I can't remember which of you knowledgeable chaps recommended pairing it with the Agua De Limon but it was a great call. I think I may have to fall off the wagon again and buy a couple more MT flavours. Have a good week gents.