SOTD : Saturday 23th May - Friday 29th May 2020

Happy Birthday / Anniversary

Happy Birthday and Anniversary.
SOTD 26 May 2028

Pre-shave: Shower, followed by cold water splash.
Soap: Sugnature Soap - Hybrid Shaving Soap (Cedarwood and Peppermint Essential Oils).
Brush: Muhle Silvertip Fiber.
Razor: Blackland Blackbird (SB).
Blade: Gillette Platinum (Day 3).
Post: Cold water splash, followed by OSP Eucalyptus Menthol Splash and Atlantia Ultra comfort aftershave.
EDC: Trumper's Paisley.

A wonderful run of shaves continues - green themed, purely by accident. The Blackland with a Gillette Platinum is good - although today I picked up a series of small nicks - allbeit they vanished with the cold water splash. The Signature Soap face lather was a treat; I forgot how good the OSP splash felt. A high concentration aloe vera aftershave gel to finish off. Nice and simple - skin felt good, smooth and fresh.

While there was no tugging with the Gillette Platinum on day 3 - the small nicks for me were a warning sign (a bad workman blaming his tools) - if I remember I will bin tomorrow - might try a Shark Platinum?

I hope all is well, take care,

Fri 29th May.
RR 400.SE-Plissoft noir
Vitos Super Red
Occams-Oren /plate 3
Feather Proguard [ 1 ]
Pitralon Original A/S lotion

A quick no fuss Shave needed as await Tele Call, as Wife admitted to hospital - non con vid related. Knee drained of fluid, being transferred to Larger Hospital to see Specialist. Fingers crossed no father action required. Frustrating as I was not allowed to go in Ambulance with her, and she will not use a mobile phone !!

Sorry to hear that Mike. Fingers crossed for you both
Finger crossed for you both Mike.