SOTD: Saturday 23 March - Friday 29 March 2024.

My Shave today consisted of...
Hot shower.
Prep Aleppo soap.
Brush Highlander LE2023 Badger.
Bowl Captains choice Obsidian Copper.
Soap Geo F Trumpers Violet.
Razors Leaf and Blackland Vector.
Blade Feather Pro Guard (3)
Aftershave Jimmy Choo edt.

Today's Shave was quite good but not quite on par with what I am used to.
Don't get me wrong it's clean just not bbs, I think it's down to the Pro Guard blade, I am not a fan of the feel of the little guards and I believe that's what is stopping the bbs feel.

The Gillette Raz=r had the same issue and the guards on the blade stopped it clearing parts of my head.
I will give it a few more shaves and will pop a Titan back in as I enjoyed that blade and will know if my theory for me anyway is correct.
The Trumpers cream performs it's excellent self, it's just a shame the scent is so mild it could be classed as unscented, I am more a punch me in the face kinda guy and that's why I enjoy Spanish Leather and Eucris so much. Needless to say I won't be replacing the tub once it's empty.
On a plus note I am really getting on with the Vector and love just how agile it can be with the smaller head.
I finish off with a quick head shave with the king of head shaving razors the Leaf, a few drops of Argan oil and my head is shining like a freshly polished mirror ooooo sexy.
Have a great evening everyone woohoo.
And as my final entry for this past week of SOTD's I give you my shave from this the final day of this past week with the theme, 'If I don't get this one in quickly my last shave from this past week will become my last shave and first entry for this new week of SOTD's '

My last razor (from this week) - Stainless Mongoose
The blade for my last razor from this week - Kai Titan mild
A brush for anyday of the week - Cadman 24mm Tuxedo
The last soap to transcentral - Floris Elite
All aboard all aboard - Collagen
The final perfume - Floris Elite
'And don't forget to put your clocks forward this Sunday otherwise you may become lost in time and never surface again. Relatively speaking'

Good shave? Bloody Elite

Puffyshoes? Bloody Elite

I love you all
SOTD Fri 29 Mar 2024

What a good Friday, shave

Prep - shower, lather face wash
Bowl - DSCosmetic green bowl
Cream - Geo.F.Trumper Limes
Brush - DSCosmetic T4 Colourful
Razor - Merkur 38C Barberpole
Blade - Rapira Super Stainless (2)
Post - lather remains face wash, cold rinse, alum block
Splash - Sierran Breeze ASL
Balm - Nivea Sensitive Cool PSB
Fragrance - CK IN2U EDT

Excellent shave tonight, close, smooth, comfortable and no issues at all. The Trumper cream is wonderful, I love the citrus smell and it lasts for ages. The Rapira blade was really good with my ‘not used since I got the Muhle’ barberpole Merkur. All told, the nicest shave I’ve had for a while.

So, you woke me up to tell me you’d had a nice shave?
Just thought you might be interested.
Sunday 31 March

Simpson badger, soft and smooth like a fine velvet
Rockwell T2, well made and with a solid presence but easy to find a comfortable setting. The setting dial isn’t a click type. After tightening the blade the gap can be set anywhere between 1-6.

Result, bbs in 1 main pass wtg, then some atg and pick ups. Now to enjoy a special day with the family,


From a nearby field, South Downs just visible in the background, and “what you lookin‘ at mate? We’re enjoying breakfast!”