SOTD : Saturday 1st September - Friday 7th September 2018.

Prep: Valobra Glycerlanolina soap, Myrsol Emulsion
Brush: DR Harris H3 Best Badger
Soap: Squadron Spitfire
Razor: Gillette Aristocrat No 22
Blade: Vintage NOS Wilkinson Sword Light Brigade (1)
Post: Thayers Cucumber Witch Hazel / Myrsol Emulsion
Scent: DR Harris Traditional Cologne

Fathers Day shave, and remembering my Dad with this shave. Nice to use a Light Brigade for the first time; I only have a few of these blades, and they have a sentimental link back to my Dad.
Man - the LB blade is sharp sharp. Reminds me of a Gillette Swede or a Platinum Plus, both from the same era. I am seriously BBS .

Honi soit qui mal y pense
Sunday 2nd September

Pre shave: Warm shower and Bulldog face wash
Razor: PAL Injectomatic
Blade: Schick Proline (#3)
Soap: L'Occitane
Brush: Simpsons Duke 2 Best
Bowl: Korium
Post shave: Alum block, cold water splash and Thayer's Cucumber witch hazel
AS: Lab Series balm
EDT: Givenchy Gentleman

Superb close and comfortable 2 pass shave, the Proline blades works really well in this Injectomatic.
Sunday AM 2018-09-02

Moss Anniversary Slate scuttle
Rooney 3/3 Porcelain Finest (26/59)
XPEC Original shaving cream (Forester Milan)
Weber DLC/UFO U2V1 Brass
Personna 74 Tungsten (1)
Aramis Tuscany aftershave

The XPEC makes great lather. Its fragrance is love-it-or-leave-it, and I love it. The Weber, with the wonderful old Personna blade, is sort of midway between a Feather AS-D2 and a Wolfman SB in terms of closeness and auditory feedback.