SOTD Saturday 18th November 2017 - Friday 24th November 2017

Friday evening...

Soap - Proraso Sandalwood
Brush - RazoRock Plissoft 22mm
Face lather
Razor - Gillette Fat Handle Tech (England, post WW2)
Blade - Gillette Nacet #5
Post - Thayer's Rose Petal and Aloe Vera
After shave - Proraso Sandalwood

I like this Proraso Red in the winter; maybe it's the shea butter or whatever, but it does give a good post-shave feel for a non-tallow soap.

I hadn't used the Tech for some time; but I saw it mentioned in a few threads so I gave it a whirl. Very nice and smooth with the Nacet and a DFS result.
Vitos Red Super Extra
RazoRock 400
Merkur 34C HD
Astra SP (2)
Lime witch hazel
4711 Aftershave

Just a few swirls was enough to load up for a three pass shave. This soap is way under priced Imo, it's got everything a soap should have in spades
I'm very happy to report normal business has resumed, no blood loss. After Wednesday's shave I took it extra easy.
4711 aftershave is doing the business. It's a shame the scent doesn't last longer though.
Paul Is that billy the kid or the scarecrow from the wizard of oz?
On a serious note what is that soap like Paul?

With a pretty simple formula, it's attractive on paper. Usual hilariously over-scented American soap, smelling more like a scented candle than a shaving soap. It burns. Whether that's the soap or the clearly over-fragrancing, I don't know.

In use, it works. It loads easily, spreads well and lathers up without going overly foamy. It's not especially thick or especially tight. But, it works ... like Carling "works" as a lager.

It's middle of the road, at best. Like much of the offerings from that nation, it's happy merely to have gotten to market with little care or attention to the details that take a soap from just working to a soap that works to a soap that is sublime. The theme has taken a hold, the market satisfied and the product running in quite secondary.

I've six other scents to try and they differ in colour quite dramatically, so I'm wondering whether there might be performance differences as the fragrancing changes - it's clearly a BIG part of the soap.

This was 'Billy the Kid' ... Black Cherry, Bourbon & Vanilla. Curiously, the Jovan Musk aftershave and Pinaud Quinine hair tonic kinda worked with it.
Great analogy Paul especially the theme over product part.
Many thanks for that.