SOTD : Saturday 17th October to Friday 23th October 2020.

Happy 31st 50th Mike!
Monday AM 2020-10-19
World Series Starts

Rooney Stubby 3XXL Ivory Finest (32/52)
Pecksniff's Charismatic shaving cream
Paradigm 17-4
Schick Super Chromium (4)
Hemingway Accoutrements aftershave

A very unsatisfying shave today. The cream, used for the first time would not lather. It just made thin, soupy suds. I don't know if it started out lousy, or is just really old, or if I got snookered. The musty odor makes me think it's too old. I thought I might have mistakenly gotten a brushless cream, but the label says, "Best used with a shaving brush." So down the drain it went.

Happy birthday
Happy Birthday!!! I hope you've had a wonderful day.
Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday and many happy returns Mike

And a most wonderful of days to you Mike. Have a most bodacious of birthdays.

This was last night's shave and the theme was 'Quick and easy as I can't be bothered my arse'

Colonial General V2
Feather Super Professional
Yaqi Dandelion
Penhaligon's Blenheim Bouquet
Firenze Profumo

Only a fleeting dash here, but yesterday was quite long having to take my father in to hospital for his operation. By the time I returned home I found myself in need of a shave to freshen up and so reached for a few items which would see my needs met with the minimal of fuss. And they did exactly that with the most wonderful of finishes.

So wonderful I am sat here this evening waiting to hear back as to how everything went with the surgery and still feeling the benefits of last night's shave. So much so I'll give it all a miss this evening and hope to have every reason to bounce back tomorrow.

Until then I will leave you with some. Usic from that wonderful bunch of Japanese ladies known a Band Maid

So far everything I have heard from the hospital has been everything I want to hear.
Hope your father is ok Chris.