SOTD : Saturday 13th October - Friday 19th October 2018.

~SOTD~ October 14th

Prep ~ Shower, Olive Oil Soap
Razor ~ CB Karve fitted with a F Plate, On loan
Blade ~ Astra SP
Soap ~ ATG - Eufros - Badass
Brush ~ Zennith 28mm Manchurian
Post ~ Eufros Aftershave balm - Badass
Scent ~ Balenciaga, Edp, Paris

A really close and really smooth shave was had with the Karve fitted with an F Plate, I used an Astra SP blade as a middle of the road benchmark blade without any issues so I will try another blade tomorrow, perhaps a Perma - Sharp Super to see if that is so smooth.
The Eufros soap was as I expected it to be as far as performance was concerned, top draw and the scent although not the best Eufros scent I've come across it was still very pleasant and of medium strength.
The Eufros aftershave balm was light and easly absorbed into my skin, very good indeed.
A big thank you going out to @Barry Giddens & @Missoni for the loan of the parts that made up today's Karve razor, you are both gentlemen of the highest order

Until the next time.......Paul.
You're welcome Paul. It will be interesting to see how you compare the plates.

REX Ambassador
ASCO Super Stainless
APshaveCo/Maggards 2 Band
LASSCO Topanga Fougère
Pitralon Classic aftershave

Found the blade a little tuggy at times but not bad.

The soap performed brilliantly. Only negative was the scent. I found it similar to something I've used before (can't remember what) and a bit boring.
I've been spoilt with Declaration Grooming scents of late. I won't be selling it though.

SOTD 14 Oct 2018 OSP 1882, Thiers-Issard Le Dandy, Alpha T-400 Brush

I was inspired by Geo Fatboy @geofatboy to break out the Theirs-Issard. I coupled it up with a beautiful soap from James Riley one at OSP (Obsessive Soap Perfectionist - soaps made on London, UK). A great blade and a great soap. A nice brush with a 26mm High Mountain white knot - I decided not to do a straight video today and instead had my son take a load of photos during the shave - how does this work for you guys?

Evening shave

Olive Oil Soap
ATG-Eurfros Badass
Saponificio Varesino 2.0 Cocobolo
Pils 101NE
Gillette 7 O'Clock Yellow (3)
Humphreys Witch Hazel

My first use of a Eurfros soap and, as many of you know, it's superb. Plenty of cushion, as slick as you like, and my face feels great. Lovely. Have a good week chaps.
You're welcome Paul. It will be interesting to see how you compare the plates.
Yes Barry, it too will be interesting for me also and once I've had a few more shaves with the F Plate I will give you my thought's, the one thing that has struck me with this razor is just how smooth it is while at the same time being extremely effective, a very good razor indeed.