SOTD : Saturday 13th July - Friday 19th July

Sunday 14 July

Brush - Yaqi Fan Tuxedo Mysterious Blue Handle
Soap - Tabac Stick
Razor - Ball End Tech
Blade - Permasharp SS (2)
Post - Witch Hazel
AS - Akcay Tobacco

Pretty much recreated the exact shave as I had yesterday but with a Permasharp, again to see the differences between it and a Nacet. The Permasharp so is a sharper blade, with the Nacet a little bit smoother. Whenever I've used a Permasharp before I remember the first few shaves aren't as good as ones with it later on, it takes a few shaves to settle in. I'm trying to find out whether a similar thing applies to the Nacet as well.

Pre-shave prep: Hot water splashes, pea sized drop of shaving cream massaged on to the face vigorously with my hands
Razor: Vintage Personna razor
Blade: Gillette 7 o'clock SharpEdge (3)
Brush: Vintage Gillette
Cream/Soap: R.S shave cream moisturising
Post-shave treatment: Cold water splash, face patted dry with a soft towel, applied some Almond body butter which is very gentle on the face.

Hope the weekend went well for you gentlemen and hope upcoming week goes the same.
Bastille Day 2019 (And a Floris Day, too)

PreShave: Warm to hot water, most from the boiled kettle some from the tap
Cream: Floris 89
Brush: Kent BK8
Bowl: My recycled cream bowl
Razor: The Sledgehammer (Merkur 39C)
Blade Astra Platinum (2)
Post Shave: Alum

Fragrance: Floris 89

A fine shave.

Have a good end of the weekend, folks.
Sat 13th July
Prep: Hot face wash Faith in Nature Lavender
Soap: London Oatcake Lavender melt
Brush: Maggard 24mm Red Swirl
Bowl: Turkish Copper
Razor: QShave Futur
Blade: Personna Red (1)
Post: Hot and cold rinse
ASB: Bart's Lavender
AS: Bart's Lavender
Sun 14th July
Prep: Hot face wash Pears Lemon Flower
Soap: London Oatcake Lime
Brush: Maggard 24mm Red Swirl
Bowl: Timeless
Razor: Ever Ready Natural Angle
Blade: Gem Coated (god knows how many shaves )
Post: Hot and cold rinse
AS: Brut Attraction
PSB: Nivea Sensitive

Razor: Rockwell 6C (R4)
Blade: Polsilver SI (2)
Brush: EJ Best Badger
Soap: Speick Stick
Pre: Pears Original
ASB: Proraso Blue
ASL: Superdrug Sierra Breeze

A DFS to make sure I'm looking well groomed for tomorrow morning. A couple of small nicks that the ASL let me know about but a comfort shave overall, especially since it's a <48 hour shave for me.

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After an early 0200 start at work a lazy quick shave was the order of the day and the theme was 'Nice and sleazy'

Skin Deep - Oneblade Genesis V1
Something better change - Feather FHS-10
(Get A) grip (On Yourself) - Razorock 400
La Folie - Alvarez Gomez Barberia
Waltzinblack - Nivea for men moisturiser
Sweet smell of success - Prada Luna Rossa Carbon

If I ever had my way I would make 0200 illegal.

Today's shave was all about expediency and efficiency and hence why reach for the OneBlade. Other than that I am away at work this moment and hence limited between the OB or the Colonial. Limited between Alvarez Gomez or OSP Vintage and limited between a Razorock 400 aluminium or a Razorock 400 aluminium.

All that changes next week as I start working out of my home town of Liverpool and home every day. I do wonder how I am going to take to this as I have spent the past 42 years working from one corner of the world to the other. But as my wife answered when I was made redundant a few years back and asked 'Where do I go next?', 'Try coming home for a change'. Hence she got her way. As part of the deal I get shaving choice and to feed the cats more regularly than I am used to.

42 years, three quarters of the world's countries and I have never sailed from or to my home port. I look forward to this one.

Anyway, anyway, anyway, three full passes with the OneBlade and what a very fine result. It may cheat the world of shaving but it doesn't cheat on what it is capable of. All with incredible comfort and no chance in hell of blood being drawn. It is a wonderful piece of design however you look at it but I do understand those who have no wish to go near one. It is just like the old Analogue vs Digital in the name of music reproduction so I presume it must be a digital razor.

End result this evening is I am smoother than James Bond and smelling even sweeter.

Have a wonderful week ahead one and all and may your shaves be closer than the cricket this afternoon.