SOTD : Saturday 10th July to Friday 16nd July 2021

Wed 14 SOTD
Soap The Goodfellas Smile Sea Citrus 1st Use
Brush Yaqi 24mm Atlantis
Razor Pearl Open Comb on Yaqi handle
Blade JAWS Platinum 3rd
Post & Aftershaves Ice Water + Stirling Witchhazel MitA + Hyaluronic + TGS Sea Citrus
Mmmm...the 1st thing that I smell is salty water-like scent... appropriate indeed. This soap's lather is great...richly creamy and very slick!
Shave with razor paired with the blade in 3passes was another enjoyable, smooth and efficient session without any issues for a mostly bbs finish.
It was safe to go back in the water after all!! Unless of course, if there's a Kraken waiting...
SOTD 14-July

Prep: Warm shower and PAA Cube
Brush: AP Lemon Drop and 26mm TGN Boar
Soap: OSP Business Time
Razor: Blackland Sabre L2
Post: Cold Water and OSP Business Time Tonic

Another cracker this morning, loving the ease of this razor, and the manoeuvrability is great, they've really taken the head as small as they can. OSP BT once again great, and love the smell on this!

Hope everyone has a great day!

Cheers All

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Prep: Palmolive Olive Oil Soap, 4711 Shower Gel
Soap: TDS Lilac Notes
Brush: 24mm Yaqi Aqua Beaux Silvertip Premium synthetic
Razor: Gillette '74 Super Slim Twist
Blade: Gillette Super Blue (1)
Post: 4711 Cologne, Baxter's Balm

Amazing what difference returning to a razor after improving your technique can make! I decided to give the SST a runout as I look to thin my collection and concentrate on a handful of drivers.
The TDS soap is thirsty - always has been. But today was ridiculous. This new Yaqi knot - even when soaked - applied a coating more akin to Copydex Eventually I diluted it enough for a decent lather rather than porridge. The Twist performed well, and I attribute this to working with a shallower angle than previously, and also the quality of the Super Blue blade. Lovely finish, and the double 4711 hit's left me smelling great. The only downside is that I've not managed to eliminate this razor from my rotation, so it will remain with me for the foreseeable.....
A shave brought to you the shaving community courtesy of Dualit toasters and with a theme chosen by the sponsor of 'How do you like your toast?'

Lightly done - R89 on an ATT Colossus
Medium please - Feather
Brown and crispy - Razorock 400
Warm bread - Menrock Scicilian lime cream
Flaming - Pure moisturiser
Burnt to a fucking cinder- Eau Sauvage

That will do just nicely thank you

After last night's impressive performance with the cream a busy day said 'Just do it. Do it. Do it. Do it again'. And my lazy nature just followed what the busy day had told it. Same cream, different brush. Because shiny had to be the way to go and the photo was begging for something with snazz about it. Bling it on. Same thing in a way I guess

Not only a different brush, but wait for it...... a different razor! As per most nights but how else I am ever going to make this shave sound interesting? So the R89 it was and with that marmite of blades the Feather. A love it or hate it slither of stainless if ever, but put it in context with the right razor and a real gem. The 89 just happens to be one of those and the blade more than makes up for its lack of aggression and yet the razor still holds its composure and sure nature. So much for all this 'Marine grade stainless' crap though. For all its bumph and hype the handle here is actually starting to discolour and oxidise.

Memo to self. Chris don't get on a ship made of marine grade steel. In fact try to avoid ships altogether. Sounds good to me.

So how did it all fair?

Wonderfully. Everytime I use an 89 they always astound me. Keep it cheap, keep it simple and enjoy the minimum fuss shave they deliver. You should all have one in the armoury and if you don't then nag your partner. Or nag yourself.

Overall, third degree happy bunnyism.
Happy bunnies. How do you eat yours?

Time to wish you all a lovely day and say 'I love you all'. Have some Japanese girlies

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Got to love a bit of Rammstein before 9am to set up the day. One of the few bands left on my bucket list to see live And Jens Tillerman's current solo stuff is amazing - from operatic baritone through to 100% nuts yelling about hating kids
Got to love a bit of Rammstein before 9am to set up the day. One of the few bands left on my bucket list to see live And Jens Tillerman's current solo stuff is amazing - from operatic baritone through to 100% nuts yelling about hating kids

Seen them five times including the live in Berlin DVD concert. Met them in Mexico City Airport and a nice chatty bunch of chaps. Talking to Paul Landers while having a piss was quite surreal.

A 'must see'. It is the whole show thing

The only thing I have against the solo material is they sound just like Rammstein