Soap vs Cream....... Fight!

Soap or Cream?

  • Soap

    Votes: 25 73.5%
  • Cream

    Votes: 14 41.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
This has been really interesting to follow. Always makes me smile how individual we all are even though we are basically all the same.
I like both soaps and creams and use both....As to Blondes versus Brunettes...better not go there....once got in trouble with that one.......Wifey's blonde!!!!!...I'm not saying anymore.
You could casually broach the question by offering to shave the cuffs. :blush:


She might be an aeroplane blonde.

You know, with a black box. :s :icon_rolleyes: :icon_razz:

By the way, I chose soap.

Well, I hadda vote for soaps. Can't tell y'all how many soaps/creams I've used over the years, but it's a big number.

I'll use a cream maybe once outta every 15-20 shaves or so. Soaps perform better in general, plain and simple.

Not sure that I would say that all soaps had better glide than creams. Two specifics that I just ran into are Arko and Godrej . The Arko cream had better glide than the stick and the Godrej hard soap doesn't hold up as well as their lime cream.
You evil man, :icon_evil: I have never completely decided, soap dries my face but I love the shave, creams I love as they offer a lot more protection from the blade... So I got some Razor Rock classic soap cream,as this has both in it ( smells of cherry )for the days when it's to much of a hassle to go down that road.... Ok I will stick my neck out and say *cream* ,no, the *soap*, no shit, shit, shit, ok,ok,the cream first, and the cream soap second ,and the soap third. See that wasn't difficult at all :angel:

"Laughs manically and watches you skirm" :icon_twisted:
:icon_lol: that's me on a good day, this morning I spent five minutes trying to choose a razor to shave with, I had it narrowed down to about three when the wife made a comment "ain't you chosen one yet" (that's a "get a fucking move on") so I grabbed the first one,and then I cut my nose with
it when shaving ( that's her fult as well banging around the house.

This isn't me, but I wish it was. He's cool.

Yep that's the way to do it. The hot towl prep.. nice .....take note of lack of pressure on the razor to the face ....very important ...let the sharp blade do all the work..... The only difference is I don't go against the grain and I don't have a tash:icon_cool:
Pig Cat said:
[This isn't me, but I wish it was. He's cool.

Hah, thanks for posting that again PC. I gotta admit that guy makes me smile.

I'm thinking he probably had a few bowls of some pretty darn good hashish before starting his shave. He's just a little bit too contemplative in a few parts of that video.

That's right.....Slikki posted the one with that guy finishing a bottle of whiskey during his shave.
