Soap Help

Hello -

Nice forum I am a new member to the forum thanks for having me!

Was interested in the following soaps and was hoping for some help picking a few out:

Nanny's Silly Soap

I am interested in natural soaps that dont that have all the perservatives/chemicals in them.

Appreciate any feedback!
"Natural" soaps may vary in performance, mind you. Nanny's soaps are good performers - although I've also had different experience with the different batches. There's also Prof. Blighty, Steve and Henk (got a tub myself but haven't tried yet, smells good though). Not sure if Cassia is selling hers yet.

P.S. Nanny's soap that I did like was her French Lavender hard soap.
Btw, I think the most natural soap that is an excellent performer you can get is Martin de Candre, might wanna try that one ;) I've got a cake and it's easily among the very best.
Hello and Welcome to TSR Kurt......+ 1 on Nanny's soap, I like MWF as well ( Mitchells Wool Fat ). Though not everyone can tolerate Tallow soaps, which is a shame as it really is wonderful stuff..
For ease of lathering and value for money you could do a lot worse than trying a Palmolive soap stick (50p in Asda, astonishing value for money) or a stick of Arko.

If you want more luxury then I'd really recommend a Nannys soap too.
Tall_Paul said:
For ease of lathering and value for money you could do a lot worse than trying a Palmolive soap stick (50p in Asda, astonishing value for money) or a stick of Arko.

If you want more luxury then I'd really recommend a Nannys soap too.

Nannys is it then!
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