So, just how many blades have you amassed in the last year?

I was tidying up my bathroom cabinet today, and was surprised at just how many blades I have. In the olden days, I use to have 3 or 4 multi blade cartridges spare at any one time. With my DE hobby, I seem to have got well over 250 blades. My biggest is a single purchase of 100 Derby. The others are various small purchases of about a dozen different brands.

Who needs that many 'spare' blades?? Now come on gents, how many have you got languishing about?
I'm one of those blokes who is doing things the 'old' way, the 'retro' way.

One cartridge in use and a spare. When the spare goes on the razor I'll add them to the wife's shopping list.
I've been at this lark 6 months and I reckons I've got less blades than razors.

Let's go count ...

Not quite ... 230, or so.

25 Durham Duplex
30 GEMs SE
5 Feather SE
40 Feather DE
130 Assorted DE

... oh, hang on, there's more: the Feather Artist Club, so some Light & Pro, maybe 20 between the packs?

250 blades, give or take. Just shy of 110 razors :D
pjgh said:
I've been at this lark 6 months and I reckons I've got less blades than razors.

Just shy of 110 razors :D

Holy Smokes Batman! 110 razors? That's mildly obsessive, isn't it? LOL To think our fathers & grandfathers mostly made do with one razor over a lifetime...
heavyd123 said:
NotTheStig said:
About 5000 I think.

5000!! I thought I was bad with 300..
Guess I have a lot to learn

Hi there,

First thing you should know about NTS is him being a master of understatement. Plus, he can be a little sneaky too, so you gotta ask the right questions to pin him down.

Now a while back there was a similar thread and it turned out NTS had a LOT of blades being stored for Armageddon. For example, when he says "I have about 5000" he's telling the truth. What he's not mentioning is the 5000 blades are just his vintage DE ones. Doesn't include the many many injector blades and many currently made blades too. See how that works?

Anyway, in that thread from the past, he determined there were enough blades in the arsenal to last him 43 years. That's quite a bit eh? Now what he didn't mention at the time was he based that 43 year number on shaving twice a day, changing blades after each pass. So three passes per shave is three blades, times two is six blades a day. See how he does things?

Oh NTS, no need to be modest,

OK, not been at this long, so not in NTS' class, yet.......

Just been and counted them.....

85 Astra SP left.
297 Gillette Silver Blue
187 Sputniks
48 Vokshods
25 Polsilvers
13 Feathers
8 Rapira Stainless

around 60 assorted blades from various blade packs I bought to try out... :)

Good god!!

Adding all that lot up I've got over 700 blades in the bathroom!

I use one or two a week, at most.

That's going on 7 years worth of blades, a conservative 7 years, maybe more like 9 years worth.

On the plus side, I've only got 4 shaving brushes, 7 razors and 8 different types of shaving soap......

Still, this is going to save me a fortune, one day, wont it?? :icon_twisted:
Shemen Zait said:
Please tell me that you can pif a couple of Astra SS and a couple of Gillete Blues, I feel the need to test those after the tagging from my Astra SP (Which I amassed about 30).

Surely you have enough PIF'd blades by now :huh:

I'm sitting on about 250. I've a long way to go lol!
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