So - first shave with the Kropp then

Stevenage, UK
After being bitten big time by the shavette last week, had to allow the cut to heal properly before even thinking about using a freshly honed Kropp on my poor face for the first time; Sunday morning, all was set.

Showered, went for Noxzema + Erasmic for a seriously slick lather & picked up the Kropp for the first time.

What followed was probably the slowest shave in history with techniques of skin stretching & razor holding hitherto unknown, even in the deeper depths of YouTube. All of which resulting in a bloody good shave, with no nicks, weepers, soreness or unpleasantness of any kind.

The original plan was to go WTG on both cheeks only, then call it a day & finish of with a DE - in practice, so impressed & encouraged was I with the initial impressions, I even went WTG on the neck/throat.

OK - I finished off ATG with the DE, but there were places I needn't have done so; Alum? No sting at all.

UKRob - many thanks again for the honing & followup advice - I stropped for the first time afterwards & the Kropp still passed the HHT, so I must have been doing something right.

Straights will never be my everyday razor (I shave in the morning, so just wouldn't have the time), but on yesterday's results, this Kropp will get regular weekend outings.

Me like.
I really don't find that they take that much more time than a DE. With a straight I found a two pass shave is usually all I need and the stropping before and after probably adds a couple or so minutes extra.
Lb1 said:
I really don't find that they take that much more time than a DE.

It does when it's your first time & you still have a fresh memory of a shavette bloodbath the week before. I daresay as I get more practiced this time will reduce...
I think it is definitely best to not feel rushed when you are starting out - the speed will come with confidence. I decided to use a straight more often than not when I first began so I deliberately allowed extra time - I don't think I would have done that if there had been a time pressure applied. Now, of course, it's more about enjoying the daily ritual - it's a good way of starting the day calmly.
I find the whole process relaxing from honing, stropping to shaving. After about a month of straight shaving (3/4 times a week) I can now get a close shave plus stropping in 15mins (3 passes) , which isn't bad.
I found switching to an evening shave routine was better overall for shaving with straights.

It'll give you a wind down in the evening, Let you take your time. And if you get it right the shave will be fine for work the next day.

It also gives your face a few hours to heal if you do nick yourself, So you don't go to work with a face full of fresh cuts! (I don't cut myself often probably less than 5 times since I started last year. And none of those have been serious).

My total shave time is less than 10 minutes but I'm a dirty great big cheater, I have fine hair and skin like an elephants elbow. So I just do 1 ATG pass, With more prep, and better attention to skin stretching and angles. I do not advise this method. I am by large a freak of nature for been able to do this.
Evening shaving is something I've been considering to get used to using the straight, I have to admit - good idea...

Was intending to straight shave yesterday to get rid of a 4 day music festival growth (was looking forward to it actually), but due to having to break camp yesterday in torrential rain, followed by a site cockup meaning it took us 3 hours just to get off the camping field, followed by a 2 hour drive in biblical rain/hail/thunder/lightning/frogs/dead first-born, I was knackered when we got home & just wanted a shower & shave followed by a pint... DE89 to the rescue (guaranteed BBS, even when half asleep)
The journey continues - 2nd Kropp shave yesterday - this time with 4 day's growth to get rid of.

Used a Noxzema/Proraso Green mix for the prep/lather & this time I was nowhere near as daunted when I picked up the Kropp. Again, WTG only (still not ready to try ATG) but a damned sight quicker (ie less than half an hour...) - starting to get the angles better for holding the razor, especially on the left cheek as ambidextrous-ness (?) is not in my nature yet; under the chin is an area I do still find awkward, but getting there.

This time, probably a better WTG shave than last time & just one small nick bottom of the neck on the left (which I put down to going too quickly); finished off with the trusty DE89 again & that's one smooth face.

Stropped afterward & the Kropp still passing the HHT, so all OK there, too.
Shave #3...

Still going well, still just WTG, but speed/angles improving. No cuts this time & when the Futur went ATG was curiously quiet, so the Kropp's doing a good job just WTG. To be honest, could have got away with a perfectly acceptable result without going ATG.

Enjoying this...