Smart-Helix Update

Thursday November 10, 2011
There's been some problems with ordering...I'll post what was told to me. Please have patience because...well, they're at war. This is a very good manufacturer under incredible stress and strain...they truly want to provide and be a supplier to the wet shaving community....Sigh
This is a direct com from Victor about the situation.

"This problem with an error in the pre-order form crashed unexpectedly as a result of some kind of malfunction in the hosting provider. The feedback form does not work for the same reason. Now we are looking into what can be done about it. If the solution of the issue is delayed, we will post a message on the website on how to place an order without a pre-order form.
Your friend hasn't lost anything yet, as we're taking pre-orders with no deadlines, and I'm not prepared to say when that will change. 130 kits are in a state of semi-preparation and we are constantly prevented from finishing even this small batch by permanent instability in everything. There is no trace left of the former way of life and business..."
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