"Single Edge" razor on Kickstarter

@MrK1 - Kul, the following is taken from the Supply Provision Co website:

Premium Shave Soap
Our soap comes in a 4 oz tin that is easy to travel with. The soap is a softer, pliable variety, and is very easy to lather. The scent is a very light, slightly spicy citrus up front that quickly turns to a fairly smooth, semi-sweet vanilla scent. It is truly and outstanding find, and we're proud to carry it.

Premium Aftershave
Our aftershave comes in a 1 oz glass bottle, is made in the US, and is alcohol free. This is important to us because alcohol based aftershaves actual end up drying out your skin, which is not what you want after a shave. Ours instead moisturizes and restores your skin. The scent is the same as the soap.

Synthetic Shave Brush
Our brush is made with synthetic bristles, and a slightly "grippy" handle. Most shave afficianados will turn up their noses at a synthetic brush, but it's only because they haven't tried one like ours. It provides a fantastic lather, and feels just as good as badger brushes that cost twice as much.