"Single Edge" razor on Kickstarter

Silly Suffolk
Ever hopeful, and incapable of learning from past disappointments, I put a modest stake into the Single Edge injector razor project.

This was a topic on TSR before the forum reversion, and I think it may have got lost.

It would be interesting to know how many other forum members have backed this.
I'm pleased that there are other optimistic kindred spirits around.
I went for the handle + 3 settings plates + blades options. My assumption is that the blades are Personna injectors, and I hope I'm right with that.
I'm pleased that there are other optimistic kindred spirits around.
I went for the handle + 3 settings plates + blades options. My assumption is that the blades are Personna injectors, and I hope I'm right with that.
Since I don't see them unearthing a stash of NOS blades in sufficient quantity, the blades have got to be Personna (likely) or Chinese Schick (unlikely). So you're OK whatever they give you. If injector blade production has started in North Korea, however, we are all in trouble!
My biggest complaint about injector razors was that because of all the plastic they're too lightweight.
I'd be interested in taking one of these for a test drive if a pass-around were started.
Is there a link for this Kickstarter project? I can't find the razor listed.
Surveys out today.

The option to purchase 20nr additional blades for 5 bucks isn't bad.

Also, the shaving brush - well, according to the pictures - is not dissimilar to The Blades Grim - Satin Tip - The Purest synthetic brush. In fact, 30 bucks for brush, soap and aftershave isn't bad either.
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