Single edge razor of the day.

How are you finding it @Satanfriendly ?

Really good. Still early days but exceptionally pleased so far. Sits towards the mid aggressive. Certainly not mild and not life threatening either, unlike some evil sods out there. Granddaughters?

Nicely made and very sturdy with good tolerances. The finish is to a cost (as most bead blasted SS razors are) but not rough and very acceptable. I just wish it was shiny. I like shiny. Speaking to ESC shiny may be on the books

That is one beautiful brush and love the shape
Just a small hacksaw then
Was it any good? The KAI, that is. I tried one a few years back (in fact, I tried a pack of 'em) and found them pretty good. Mine were olive green.

Those were the days before the Gillette Guard, which as you know I hold in high regard for simply "getting a shave" without all the fuss. I almost bid on a vintage pack of Wilko Retractor razors recently - that's what I used when I started shaving. Finding a dispo with a single blade today is a tall order (Gillette Guard excepted).