Silly Idea

A female best friend has quit her legal job and retrained as an aesthetian just before lockdown. She is looking to have her own premises, possibly a suite of treatment rooms. Here is the silly idea, she has suggested I learn to barber shave and give facial treatments to men initially at weekends or late evenings as I do have a day job. I probably have mentioned that I wouldn't mind doing this to her, but I never imagined it would be feasible...
i live in Edinburgh and very few barbers do shaving these days unfortunately. the ones that do all seem to be Turkish.
now (that's) not a problem for me but just goes to show there isn't much of a demand.
The barbers that do shave just don't seem to be that busy
Shame really
In my opinion, this is a bloody good idea. I've often thought of becoming a barber when I retire - even now, I'm always giving my friends advice on shaving - technique, the economy of wet shaving, the Zen of a straight razor shave etc. etc. For the most part, they're probably bored with listening to me. But the next time we meet up, they've invested in a shaving brush...and their shave is closer and more comfortable...and so on.

You should ask yourself - when is a chance like this going to come my way again?

You'll be doing something you actually enjoy. And how many of us can say that...? Absolutely priceless!

I wish you - and your friend - all the luck in the world.
I think it's a great idea. At the barbers' near me a hot towel shave costs £15 to £20 so there's money to be made. I suggest you do some market research, look at the local competition, practice shaving on friends and family (I suspect shaving someone else is very different to shaving yourself, albeit I've never tried it!) etc etc.

My only concern would be that I suspect most men expect to get a haircut alongside their 'barbershop shave'. Unless you're able to cut hair as well it's possible that some people would be put off from coming along just for the shave. But of course your market research will help you determine whether that's a real issue or not.
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