Should it still feel a bit sore?

I am tempted to to 3-4 shaves using the gillette 7 yellows and beef up my technique etc then have a bash at the feather again see how it compares.

I hear the G7 yellow are a bit more forgiving but still very sharp
Robbo said:
I am tempted to to 3-4 shaves using the gillette 7 yellows and beef up my technique etc then have a bash at the feather again see how it compares.

I hear the G7 yellow are a bit more forgiving but still very sharp
They're a great deal kinder but still give a fantastic shave. Switched to them recently and have used them in all of my DE's.
Worth giving them a try imho.
Yeah the yellow 7 o'clock are sharp too, so they're a great alternative. Don't dismiss the green "super stainless" 7 o'clock, i.e. the "green Russians", also a nice sharp but manageable blade.
well just for kicks, i loaded up my Edwin Jagger DE87 with a feather tonight (not my favourite combination it must be said)

i was trying to shift about 6 days worth of hair, hence the choice of a feather. And indeed it cuts through and got me smooth, no nicks, cuts or weepers. But it does leave me a little sensivite feeling. The aftershave splash was definitely a mistake after that!!!

but it did the job i wanted it to. I think any lesser blade would have had me hacking away at my chops for ages